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We Are The Haundeosaunee Analysis

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Pages 4
a.) I knew very little of the Haudenosaunee culture. Other than the names of the six nations and that it was what made up the confederation of the six Iroquois nation, but that is about it.

b.) The Haudenosaunee is united under the same principles of the Great Law of Peace. Righteousness, Justice, and Health.

Mohawk - are the protectors and defenders of the eastern border.

Oneida - are the standing stone people

Onondaga - Is the capital of the confederacy

Cayuga - are the people of the great swamp

Seneca - they are responsible for protecting and defending the western border

Tuscarora - people in 1722 sought refuge among the Haundeosaunee and became the six-nation in the confederation.

c.) One …show more content…
I cannot really think of an example, but people who are on shows like TMZ and E-news tend to skew the truth so people watching will be entertained, no caring if they get the facts right or not.

b.) The oral storytelling of the "We Are the Haundeosaunee" was intersting, and these men telling it made it more important for me to listen to what they had to say. It really strengthens the main point of the story because these people truly believed in it and not just saying it because they had to. They gave us their Iroquoian name, their status as a leader following their American name. They also used first person plural pronouns in their oral storytelling, and they also retelling the same story about the peacemaker, peace, equity, and fairness.

Part 3

a.) The overall message in the Great Law of Peace from all three oral tradition stories is about peace, equality, and fairness. All three stories help me understand the main message because of they all very similar in their story telling about the peacemaker and the Great Law of …show more content…
The Peacemaker promised Tadadaho that if he accepted the message of peace, Onondaga would be the capital of the Grand Council. Tadadaho finally succumbed to the message of peace. It is said that the messengers of peace combed the snakes from his hair

"The Peacemaker and the Peace Tree"- "Once Tadodarho's mind was pacified, his body straightened and the snakes were combed from his hair.The Peacemaker offered him a special position in the Confederacy. That position was to watch over the Fire on behalf of all the 5 Nations. The offer appealed to him and he accepted. He agreed to live in peace and tend the fire to make sure that it would burn forever."

"The Peacemaker and the Tadadaho" - "If you agree to join this confederation of peace the Onondaga will be the center fire and your title your name Tadadaho will prevail from here on out and he

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