...Seher kaygusuz Unit 39 p1 Cause of infection Normal flora; flora is a bacteria which is found in or on our bodies on a semi-permanent basis without causing disease. There are good and bad sides for normal flora, the good side produces vitamins, human body cannot produce such as vitamin B12. The bad side – normal floral can cause disease if the floral escapes from its normal location and this may effect the bladder and can cause infections. Furthermore, Normal flora can also been found in nose, mouth, skin, throat. Transient flora; Transient flora refers to the microorganisms that transiently colonise the skin. Transiet flora can be spread through touching, direct skin-to-skin contact or via objects and this includes bacteria’s such as fungi and viruses, which reach the hands, Hygienic hand disinfection primarily aims at deactivating the microorganisms of...
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...Introduction: In this task I have been asked to explain the international business environment in which a selected organisation operates. The selected business I have chosen is Tesco. What is international business? International business is a term used to describe any business transaction between two or more regions or countries. Many businesses operate internationally to attract more custom and expand their organisations to increase the income the business is taking. International business can include importing and exporting of products, sales, investments and many more. International business is essential not only to give businesses more opportunities but also to boost the economy. Below is a list of some of the organisations that operate internationally: * MacDonald’s * Nike * Addidas * Apple * Samsung * Nokia About Tesco Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen from a market stall in London’s East End. Over the years the business has continued to expand and grow and Tesco now operates in 12 countries around the world, employ over 530,000 people and serve tens of millions of customers every week. They have always been committed to providing the best shopping experience. Today Tesco continues to focus on doing the right thing for their customers, colleagues and the communities they serve. Tesco is Britain’s leading supermarket and is also very popular internationally. Its closest competitor is Sainsbury’s but Tesco always manages to...
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...The sources of infection include Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi, as these microorganisms which cause disease, have the ability to reproduce themselves within the body. These microorganisms produce harmful toxins that damage cell tissues. Routes Of Transmission It can be spread through person to person contact, which is known as ‘Direct Contact Transmission’ through an infected person, which is known as human reservoirs that are not affected by it, spreading it by coughing or sneezing which when inhaled in, are infected. ‘Indirect Transmission’ is transmission from contaminated surfaces or vectors for example, animals and insects. It may also be transmitted through eating contaminated food which contains bacteria. It can also be transmitted by...
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...Ag Econ 1041 Name _________KEY______________________ Exam 1, 140 points 11 a.m. Section September 25, 2008 True/False – one point each |T |1. |The most fundamental economic issue is scarcity. | |F |2. |Economics is the study of ways that people can earn more income. | |F |3. |Decisions are best when the decision maker focuses on average benefits and average costs. | |T |4. |Markets are where sellers and buyers interact in an effort to make themselves better off. | |F |5. |Supply is the quantity of a product produced within a specific time period. | |F |6. |Opportunity cost is what we pay for a good minus any coupons or rebates. | |F |7. |A comparative advantage is held by a producer who has the lowest monetary costs to produce a good. | |T |8. |The marginal benefit curve of consuming your favorite good eventually declines as consumption increases. | |T |9. |Increases in income tend to increase our consumption of many but not all goods. ...
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...CHAPTER 4 SI UNIT PROBLEMS SOLUTION MANUAL SONNTAG • BORGNAKKE • VAN WYLEN FUNDAMENTALS of Thermodynamics Sixth Edition Sonntag, Borgnakke and van Wylen CONTENT SUBSECTION Correspondence table Concept problems Force displacement work Boundary work: simple one-step process Polytropic process Boundary work: multistep process Other types of work and general concepts Rates of work Heat transfer rates Review problems English unit concept problems English unit problems PROB NO. 1-19 20-30 31-46 47-58 59-70 71-81 82-94 95-105 106-116 117-122 123-143 Sonntag, Borgnakke and van Wylen CHAPTER 4 6 ed. CORRESPONDANCE TABLE The new problem set relative to the problems in the fifth edition. New 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5th 1 2mod new New New 3 4 new New new New New 18 27 new new 5 new New 13 new new New New New 22 45 mod 8 12 14 New New New New 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 5th new 19 20 33 mod 37 36 15 30 6 New 32 7 9 34 10 New New 26 39 New 40 New New New New 58 59 60 61 New New New New New 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 5th new new new 43 new New new new New 47 HT 48 HT 49 HT 50 HT mod 51 HT mod 52 HT 53 HT 54 HT 55 HT 56 HT 57 HT 31 mod 11 16 17 23 21 mod 28 29 24 44 35 th Sonntag, Borgnakke and van Wylen The English unit problem set is...
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...|Centre Name | | |Qualification |Edexcel BTEC National Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business | |Unit number and title |Unit 39: International Business | |Learner Name | | |Assessor Name | | |Date issued |31/10/13 | Assessment criteria to be assessed in this assignment |Criteria Reference|To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: |Task No. |Page No. | |P1 |Explain the international business environment in which a selected organisation operates |1.1 | | |P2 |Describe the mechanisms that regulate international trade |1.2 | | |P3 |Describe how the environment and culture of another country affects ...
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...BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS A. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Incorporators refer to corporators who are mentioned in the articles of incorporation as originally forming and composing the corporation and who executed and signed the articles of incorporation as such. All incorporators are family related to Ms. Lucia Linsangan. Ms. Lucia Linsangan has the major contribution to the Linsangan Corporation. She will also act as the president of Meat Match Company. Table 9.0 |Contribution of Incorporators | |Incorporators |Contribution | | |Cash |Property |Total | |1. Lucia B. Linsangan | 1,000,000.00 |864,225.00 |1,864,225.00 | |2. Elmer B. Linsangan | 500,000.00 | | 500,000.00 | |3. Elden B. Linsangan | 500,000.00 | | 500,000.00 | |4. Porfilio Bueno | 500,000.00 | | 500,000.00 | |5. Joseph Bueno |500,000.00 | ...
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...Exam 3 Spring 2013 Question 1. 1. In the market structure called monopolistic competition (Points : 1) | a. Very little advertising will occur b. There are only a few companies in t he industry c. These industries offer only few products X d. None of the above | | Question 2. 2. In a purely competitive industry (Points : 1) | a. Products are differentiated b. A large amount of advertising occurs c. Price will be higher than in other market structure X d. None of the above | Question 3. 3. A used lawn mower is an example of (Points : 1) | a. a search good X b. an experience good c. a homogenous good d. None of the above | Question 4. 4. The problem of asymmetric information can be overcomed by (Points : 1) | a. Reputation b. Brand name c. Warranties X d. All of the above e. None of the above | Question 5. 5. The CAPM can be used to: (Points : 1) | a. Determine a company's cost of using bonds to raise capital b. Estimate the rish premium a company must pay to raise money by issuing stocks c. Shows the relation between risk and return for stocks in thewhole market d. Can not be used to determine a company's cost of issuing stocks X e. b and c | Question 6. 6. Given TC=10+5Q, ED=-2, what price will a monopolist charge? (Points : 1) | a. 5 b...
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...Managerial Economics Unit 4: Price discrimination Rudolf Winter-Ebmer Johannes Kepler University Linz Winter Term 2012 Managerial Economics: Unit 4 - Price discrimination 1 / 39 OBJECTIVES Objectives ◮ Explain how managers use price discrimination to increase profits ⋆ ⋆ Identify submarkets with different price elasticities of demand Segment the market and charge different prices to consumers in each submarket Managerial Economics: Unit 4 - Price discrimination 2 / 39 MOTIVATION FOR PRICE DISCRIMINATION Figure 8.1: Single-Price Monopolist Profit-Maximizing Outcome ◮ ◮ Single-price monopoly equilibrium fails to capture all consumer surplus and also results in a dead-weight loss. Price discrimination provides a strategic mechanism for capturing some, or all, of this lost surplus. Managerial Economics: Unit 4 - Price discrimination 3 / 39 Managerial Economics: Unit 4 - Price discrimination 4 / 39 PRICE DISCRIMINATION Price discrimination: When the same product is sold at more than one price ◮ ◮ Differences in price among similar products are not necessarily evidence of price discrimination; Costs could also be different. Managerial Economics: Unit 4 - Price discrimination 5 / 39 PRICE DISCRIMINATION First-Degree Price Discrimination ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ All customers are charged a price equal to their reservation price. The firm captures 100 percent of the consumer surplus. Equilibrium output and marginal...
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...BTEC Business Studies (Level 3) Unit 39 International Business Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to the role played by international business. The importing and Exporting of goods and services are important economic activities to any economy. Learners will study National and international businesses and the framework in which they operate. In this unit you must explain the importance and differences of international trade. You will explain key economic terms and demonstrate an understanding of how to trade internationally. Many of the tasks will cover several Passes and Merit Criteria. Barr’s are soft drink manufacturers who are famous for manufacturing Irn Bru. They have just appointed you as their marketing manager and are keen to explore the idea of selling Irn Bru abroad. They have identified Germany as a possible option. They have asked you to research into the benefits and costs of doing business internationally. They have asked you to write a report and then present your findings to the board. P1) P1 explain the international Business environment in Which a selected organisation Operates You decide to look at a company that is successfully trading internationally. * Write a profile of a multi-national company Where is its headquarters? Where does it sell its goods or services? What percentage of its market are in different countries etc? How long has it traded in different countries? Turnover etc? * Answer...
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...stanford.edu/index.html (c) Research Essay (35%). (1) Essays must answer (or address) one of the essay prompts provided by the Unit Coordinator of PHIL1001. A PDF document with essay prompts will be posted on the LMS associated with PHIL1001 in the first few weeks of semester. (2) The essay should not exceed 1,000 words (excluding bibliographical information). If an essay is longer than this, the marker may ignore the excess words, or the essay mark may be lowered. (3) Essays are to conform to the following style: • Word processed (if that is not possible, please write the unit coordinator) • Double spaced • 25 mm margins • Referenced using numbered footnotes or endnotes • All sources (e.g. quotations) must be fully and accurately referenced using proper form for references; consult referencing style sheets in library. • Bibliography containing only items that are referenced in the essay (in the text, or foot/endnotes). • An accurate word-count on the front page. (4) An essay must be submitted by the date and time prescribed except where the student has received in writing an extension of time from the Unit Coordinator. Student's seeking an extension must make their appeal to the student advisor for their faculty. The unit coordinator will then take the student advisor's recommendation under consideration. Student's needing an extension should make their...
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...14 5 Choice 18 6 Demand 24 7 Revealed Preference 27 8 Slutsky Equation 30 9 Buying and Selling 33 10 Intertemporal Choice 37 12 Uncertainty 39 14 Consumer Surplus 43 15 Market Demand 46 18 Technology 48 19 Profit Maximization 52 20 Cost Minimization 54 21 Cost Curves 57 22 Firm Supply 59 23 Industry Supply 62 24 Monopoly 64 2 25 Monopoly Behavior 67 26 Factor Market 72 27 Oligopoly 76 28 Game Theory 80 30 Exchange 85 3 Ch. 1. The Market I. Economic model: A simplified representation of reality A. An example – Rental apartment market in Shinchon: Object of our analysis – Price of apt. in Shinchon: Endogenous variable – Price of apt. in other areas: Exogenous variable – Simplification: All (nearby) Apts are identical B. We ask – How the quantity and price are determined in a given allocation mechanism – How to compare the allocations resulting from different allocation mechanisms II. Two principles of economics – Optimization principle: Each economic agent maximizes its objective (e.g. utility, profit, etc.) – Equilibrium principle: Economic agents’ actions must be consistent with each other III. Competitive market A. Demand – Tow consumers with a single-unit demand whose WTP’s are equal to r1 and r2 (r1 < r2 ) p r2 r1 1 2 – Many people 4 Q p p Q Q ∞ consumers 4 consumers B. Supply – Many competitive...
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...Demand and Supply: The Basics 21 FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS - (Second Edition) © World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. http://www.worldscibooks.com/economics/6794.html Chapter 2 Introduction The most basic, and in many ways the most lasting, lesson to be learnt from “Economics 101” relates to the fundamental concepts of demand and supply and their interaction. These are usually presented in a simple graphical format involving demand and supply “curves”. The word is in quotes because in this chapter, for simplicity, we will actually assume only straightline relationships between price and quantities demanded and supplied. The main issue that is important in reality is the direction of the relationship between prices and quantities. Will a reduction in price lead to an increase in the quantity demanded of any particular product or service? Will an increase in price lead to an increase in supply? And so on. The principal technical tools for analyzing demand and supply conditions in particular markets, then, are the demand and supply schedules or curves. The demand curve shows an estimate or conjecture about the relationship between the price of any particular product or service and the quantity of that product that will be demanded by consumers. It is usually assumed to slope downward, in the general case, for most products and services. In other words, the lower the price of the item, the greater the quantity of it that will be demanded. Technically, this...
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...Linear programming of basic economic parameters used at reengineering in small and medium enterprises 1. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)ISSN 0976-6502 (Print)ISSN 0976-6510 (Online)Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), pp. 31-43 IJM© IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijm.asp ©IAEMEJournal Impact Factor (2013): 6.9071 (Calculated by GISI)www.jifactor.com LINEAR PROGRAMMING OF BASIC ECONOMIC PARAMETERS USED AT REENGINEERING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Prof. Dr Slobodan Stefanović High School of Applied Professional Studies, Vranje, Serbia Prof. Dr Radoje Cvejić Faculty for strategic and operational management Belgrade, Serbia ABSTRACT In economic terms, linear programming is a mathematical technique used for selecting one among more possible economic decisions that will have the greatest efficiency. Most production issues have been solved by a linear programming method, also performed here, and a model of linear programming of economic parameters in re- engineering of small and medium enterprises, for their greater efficiency, is presented. Key words: linear programming, re-engineering, economic parameters, model. 1.0. INTRODUCTION Linear programming is a mathematical method for selecting an optimal solution among larger number of possible solutions. In mathematical terms, linear programming is a mathematical analysis of optimum problem. These...
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...The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C Second Edition Muhammad Ali Mazidi Janice Gillispie Mazidi Rolin D. McKinlay CONTENTS Introduction to Computing The 8051 Microcontrollers 8051 Assembly Language Programming Branch Instructions I/O Port Programming 8051 Addressing Modes Arithmetic & Logic Instructions And Programs 8051 Programming in C 8051 Hardware Connection and Hex File 8051 Timer/Counter Programming in Assembly and C 8051 Serial Port Programming in Assembly and C Interrupts Programming in Assembly and C 8051 Interfacing to External Memory 8051 Real World Interfacing I: LCD,ADC AND SENSORS LCD and Keyboard Interfacing 8051 Interfacing with 8255 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN OUTLINES Numbering and coding systems Digital primer Inside the computer HANEL Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN 2 NUMBERING AND CODING SYSTEMS Decimal and Binary Number Systems Human beings use base 10 (decimal) arithmetic There are 10 distinct symbols, 0, 1, 2, …, 9 Computers use base 2 (binary) system There are only 0 and 1 These two binary digits are commonly referred to as bits HANEL Department of Computer...
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