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Wear Seatbelts: A Choice Not Against The Law

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Not wearing seatbelt should be a choice not against the law. Some people should be able to not wear a seatbelt if they have a good reason.Children and babies should always wear seatbelts. Adults and teens should have a choice if they have a good reason. Some people prefer to not wear seatbelts for reasons like emergency situations. Emergency situations include car crashes, cars being submerged in water, and cars on fire. Some people have reasons they do not wear seat belts. Let them explain their reason before a ticket is given. First, one reason is car crashes. Some people say they have seen more people live from being thrown out of a car then being stuck in a seatbelt. Statistics always show that seatbelts save you because they want you to wear them, that is not …show more content…
When cars are submerged in water, there are only certain times you can open the door. Not everyone has a tool that can be used to break the window, it is not easy to break. When cars are submerged in water there is more pressure on the outside of the car than the inside. There is pressure pushing on the door and windows. They can not be opened. If you are wearing a seatbelt it can lock up and you will not be able to get out at the time so you have to wait till the pressure is the same, which can take awhile, so you have more of a chance of dying. The seatbelt can restrict your body from applying pressure to the door so you can push it open. The seatbelt is a big worry in this situation because its a matter of time to get the door open and the seatbelt is another stressor so you can not stay calm and live through the situation. “It’s important that everyone realizes that newer shoulder belts are made so...they will still lock up in sudden stops or crashes. Many people mistake this freedom of movement as a broken mechanism. Newer shoulder belts are designed to lock up only when the car changes speed or direction suddenly...” (“Seat Belt

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