...The drinking age in the U.S. is a widely debated topic. People everywhere think it should be lowered while other people think it should stay the same. In this report I will explain both sides of the story and all of the pros and cons of lowering the official age, and then explain to you my view on the topic. Why we should lower the drinking age. 18 is the age of adulthood in The United States, and adults have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption. By lowering the drinking age, allowing 18-20 year olds to drink in regulated environments would decrease unsafe drinking activities. Also there are fewer drunk driving accidents and fatalities in many countries with the MLDA of 18. Lowering the MLDA from 21 to 18 would...
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...In all 50 states of the United States, the legal age to consume alcohol is 21. However, there have been disputes to change the age from 21 to 18. Two authors show their different points of view in this matter. Ruth C. Engs is a professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University. Tara Watson is an associate professor of economics and she's the chairwoman of the Program in Public Health at Williams College. The article "Why the drinking age should be lowered" by Ruth C. Engs explains why adults 18 and older should be allowed to drink. The article "Lowering the Drinking Age Has Serious Consequences" by Tara Watson shows how the legal age for drinking should stay at 21. The article "Why the drinking age should be lowered" starts off by Engs explaining that young adults should be able to drink but taught how to drink responsibly. Throughout the article, Engs stays with an intelligent tone...
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...Period Drinking Age In all of the articles and political cartoon there are many examples of ethos, pathos and logos. However, some of them are more effective than others. Each of these documents discuss the drinking age in the united states and why it should be either be lowered to 18 or stay at 21. The first source is the least effective out of the three because it does not explain what age the drinking age should be at. On the other hand, the third source, “Lower the Drinking Age Back to 18” is a very affective article because of the facts that it has and the experience that he had growing up in a world were colleges taught you how to drink responsibly In the first source you see a cartoon. This Cartoon shows the drinking age at 21 and what the drinking age would look like at 18 years old. However, both of these cartoons look exactly alike. The repetition of the same image with different captions emphasizes in what happens if the drinking age changes … nothing. Ethos is created because there are less females than males and statistically speaking more men drink binge drink. The symbolism in the shorts "OSU" and a fraternity are all zeugmas for drinking. This cartoon also establishes pathos by showing the emotion each person has in there face. All of the “adults” in this cartoon are very happy and look like they are ready to have fun. On the other hand, it does not show the repercussions of drinking irresponsibly. To improve this cartoon, I feel that it should show the after...
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...000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking…” (1). This quote shows that underage drinking is a very dangerous thing and many people should start taking that into consideration. The drinking age should not be lowered for various reasons. If the drinking age was to be lowered it could potentially cause more deaths and interfere with the development of minors along with many other consequences. The drinking age has been 21 since 1984 because of an act that said if states didn’t make the drinking age a minimum of 21 years old they would lose 10 percent of highway funds. “The legal drinking age in the United States has been 21 since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984. When President Ronald . . . Reagan signed the act, he issued a blanket requirement for all states to raise their drinking age, or risk losing highway funding from the government” (7). Reagan did find studies that the 18-20 age group are most likely to be in an accident related to alcohol than any other age group...
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...Questions……………………………………………………19 Executive Summary Objectives The purpose of this research project was to discover the reactions and opinions of Alabama students on the nightlife options available in Tuscaloosa, AL. We asked students to give their opinions on numerous subjects including: • The factors which influence students to attend bars/clubs • Bar location selection process • Elements of bar selection process • Timeliness of student nightlife activity • Identify demographic segments amongst bars/clubs • Amenities that attract the market segment Methods We used multiple examination methods to conduct the research for this project. • We conducted one focus group. Eight people total, five were of the legal drinking age and three underage participants. • Twelve individual in-depth interviews were also conducted. Findings While conducting both the focus group and individual in-depth interviews we found the following: • Students prefer bars/clubs with promotions and...
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...Health Psychology Committee Report The health psychologist working in the hospital today should have a broad spectrum in which they can treat many different illnesses that will be present in the future as the population grows, and the life expectancy rises. Because the field of health psychology is new, the profession is still in its early stage. They provide a variety of emotional and social changes in the life of a patient who is ill or disabled. They can help in the area of depression, and pain management and anything that can have a positive impact on the patient that is dealing with a major illnesses (Sarafino,2006). In addition, in order to apply psychology to hospitals we would need to create new titles for the needs of the patient. The titles are substance abuse counselor, inpatient-only psychology: child psychologist; and adult psychologist. There have been tremendous advances in medicines that can treat a variety of diseases, but the mental and physical need of many patients suffering long term with chronic pain, terminal illnesses, and stress disorders. There are also many other issues that the psychologist can be involved with at the hospital for example, there is a need for programs that would treat drug and substance abuse, and helping patients to deal with terminal illness and to also provide and prepare patients prior to surgery. Furthermore, there are many different kinds of pain and illnesses that an individual endures everyday of their lives. The pains...
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...as a legacy brewery, gathering a very strong brand loyalty and positioning. Known for the authenticity, quality and taste the company grew out to be a market leader in the currently matured business. However, off late the company has been witnessing a drop in sales for their core beer product the “Mountain Man Leger” in contrary to the growing beer sales in the US. The following document encapsulates a detailed analysis of the different problems the company started to face, the strategic objectives available and the most viable option that the Protagonist Chris Prangel’s (son of founder Guntar Prangel) should be taking. Further the Document also discusses the competitive challenges that the company phases The document also addresses the dilemma Chris faces whether to making reforms in business strategies or to continue with the existing sale and product line model and explains the tradeoffs that lie therein. Q2. Start by summarizing the chief protagonist’s decision tree. What are the key strategic issues that the firm faces? What are the options in terms of actions and what outcomes need to be enabled? Decision Tree: Chris has a conundrum to address, basically the growth strategy that he would be adopting in terms of a natural and steady growth which is depicted above as the organic growth or the instant acquisitions route which is the inorganic growth * Since the brand is known for its quality and authenticity, they can penetrate the market by targeting the...
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...serious drinking problem is the alcoholic himself/herself - they are in denial. Some signs and symptoms of alcoholism as well as alcohol abuse include, drinking alone, not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed, dropping hobbies and activities the person used to enjoy; losing interest in them, feeling an urge to drink, having relationship problems, having problems with the law, having money problems, and requiring a larger quantity of alcohol to feel its effect (Videbeck, 2007). Alcoholism does not only affect the adults. According to Sociological theory, alcoholism is a learned response. This often happens at a young age. A child may see things around them or on TV of people drinking and they tend to believe that is the right thing to do. This addiction is primarily believed to be because of society's influences. This often will affect persons who mostly drink in groups. This theory is based more on the peer pressure a person might receive, so they often turn to alcohol drinking problems during college years. Moreover, it has become a public health concern because of its effect on the future of a child. The goal of the current study is to assess the primary psychosocial factors that predict problem drinking among college students. Variables examined included demographic variables, personality, drinking history, alcohol expectancies, drinking motives, stress and coping, activity involvement, and peer and family influence. Evidence from studies of college drinking indicated...
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...We’ve all heard it before. An elderly person rants on and on about how “corrupt” the youth of today is. Yes, we’ve seen examples of youth disregarding the idea of being law-abiding citizens, but do youth really deserve all of the blame? Not necessarily so. Today’s youth, like youth throughout time, are being influenced. The problem is just that the influences of today’s world such as, the media, education, drugs, and alcohol are growing steadily negative and poorer in quality. Social networking, the media, music, education, various drugs, and alcohol affect today’s youth in negative ways. Youth and the Media Some of the most influential vectors affecting teenagers are social networks, the media, and music. Social networking sites dominate the time of many teenagers. Paired with the entertainment industry, and things being said on television or the radio, social media can definitely change people's mindsets and emotions. Think about it. Very often, you see children posting statuses on Facebook or tweeting on twitter. And when these kids are watching television, listening to the radio, or reading magazines, often times the wrong messages are being projected to the ears of teens. The result is a changed teenager. The result is a teenager whose mind is being corrupted by the face of a few people. Nowadays, many teens have a Facebook account. The website is simple. You upload some statuses, you like somebody's pictures, you see what your friends like and update. Even though...
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... Travel and drug use in Europe: a short review 1 THEMATIC PAPERS Travel and drug use in Europe: a short review Travel and drug use in Europe: a short review emcdda.europa.eu Contents 1. Introduction 2. Travelling and using drugs Young people Problem drug users 3. Examples of drug-related destinations 4. Prevalence of drug use among young travellers Young holidaymakers in Europe Young backpackers Young clubbers and partygoers 5. Risks associated with drug use while travelling Health risks Risk related to personal safety Legal risks Risks related to injecting drug use Risks to local communities 6. Potential for prevention interventions 7 Conclusions . Acknowledgements References 3 4 4 4 6 9 9 10 11 13 13 14 14 14 15 17 19 21 22 Travel and drug use in Europe: a short review emcdda.europa.eu 3 1. Introduction Recent decades have seen a growth in travel and tourism abroad because of cheap air fares and holiday packages. This has been accompanied by a relaxation of border controls, especially within parts of Europe participating in the Schengen Agreement. As some people may be more inclined to use illicit substances during holiday periods and some may even choose to travel to destinations that are associated with drug use — a phenomenon sometimes referred to as ‘drug tourism’ — this means that from a European drug policy perspective the issue of drug use and travel has become more important. This Thematic paper examines travellers and drug use, with a...
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...Alex Paige Professor Wolfe English 101 16 November 2009 Facebook Facebook is one of the largest online social networking sites in the world. People of all ages and countries use Facebook as a way to communicate with each other. Furthermore, the launch of this site has changed the way we talk to one another, both on a personal and cyber level, in addition to how we are hired for a job. The sudden influx in popularity of the Facebook site has also changed our sense of privacy. We will post pictures of underage drinking and other various illegal or profane actions, but feel that we are not revealing too much because our actions are confined to the privacy of our Facebook friends. We change our profile pictures and post information, all creating an image of how we want others to perceive us. Facebook has changed the people communicate with one another, and privacy should not be a concern when using the site because it is the user’s decision who can access their information. Facebook was created by a man named Mark Zuckerberg. Actually, the term “man” could be used loosely, Mark is a mere twenty-three years old (Newmark). Zuckerberg attended Harvard University and created Facebook in his dorm in 2004 (Newmark). “The first month the site went ‘live’ in 2004, half of Harvard’s undergraduates signed up. Its popularity spread to other Boston-area campuses including MIT, Boston University and Boston College. By December 2004, the number of Facebook users surpassed one...
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...lying or stealing, and violation of rules (AACAP, 2012). Diagnosing As stated in the DSM-IV by the American Academy of Family Physicians, there are an abundant amount of things that could fit the criteria for conduct disorder. Some examples are a person who bullies people or animals, has a weapon that could seriously harm someone or something, has forced someone into sexual activity, has destroyed other people’s property, has shoplifted, stays out even though parents say not to, runs away from home, and many more (AAFP, 2001). Other forms of diagnosing include obtaining a detailed history of the child’s behavior which is provided by anyone who comes in contact with that child, just observing the child, or even conducting psychological tests (Hopkins). There are two subtypes of conduct disorder. The first one is childhood onset and the second is adolescent onset. Between the two of these, the childhood onset is by far the worst one. Childhood onset is labeled as the child having at least one conduct disorder behavior before they reach the age of ten. In most cases these children are males, have concerning peer relationships, and meet full criteria of conduct disorder before they reach their puberty years. In these children these symptoms are more likely to persist throughout their adulthood, whereas many of them tend to develop antisocial personality disorder as...
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...CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The Good and Bad Effects of Peer Pressure to Teenagers Peer pressure is commonly applied to younger people especially to us teenagers. Responding to peer pressure is a part of growing up that some teenagers more likely to give in. Peer pressure is the only thing that all teens have in common and some of them can't escape it because it’s almost everywhere. Peer pressure is the way that people influence another individual to take an action or adopt certain values to be one of their social groups. Teenagers are very quick in making their own decisions and judgements. When communication is lacking at home, teens may seek it among their peers instead to their parents for them they know that their peers are always right because they're feeling what you also feel. You think all of you have a lot in common. This outcome indicates that teens may find it more difficult to control their behaviors when their friends are around. They are visible and expressive when it comes to their peers but when it comes to their own parents they are invisible. They always keep in their minds that their parents will never understand them as their peers do. In the bright side, it can also have a positive effect. Peer influence is not necessarily bad at all times. Fellowship with other youths can also sharpen our personality and make us a better person. They can also be a good instrument for us teenagers if...
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...Business English Report Report SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Tanveer Anjum GROUP MEMBERS: Signatures Samreen Sabir (21570) Junaid Naeem (21545) Ushair Fareed (20988) Tajdar hassan khan (20789) DATE OF SUBMISSION 24-Dec-2012 Letter of Transmittal December 24, 2012 Course Instructor – Business English Dear Madam: Dr.Tanveer Anjum IQRA University, Karachi. Dear Madam: We feel immense pleasure in presenting the final report on "The effects of peer pressure on youth". This report is the outcome of the conducted research which outline the results of "peer pressure" In this report peer pressure is defined with its different aspects. The discussion then focuses on the Impact of peer pressure on our youth. Furthermore the survey questions and the relative effects of peer pressure are discussed. The crux of our report is based upon the findings from the questionnaires we asked respondents to fill in. We have tried our level best to complete this report as in accordance with the desired requirements. Kindly accept it; we hope this report will prove to be satisfactory. Yours Sincerely Samreen Sabir (21570) Junaid Naeem ...
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...____________________ Date Faculty Certification Page I, _________________________________________ hereby certify that This work meets the partial requirements for Bachelors of Science (Criminal Justice Degree for Mount Olive College) _______________________________________________ Signature _____________________ Date ABSTRACT Domestic violence against women is a serious crime that affects a lot of women from all ages, races, genders, and populations. The question that a lot of people wonder is why do the woman stay in the abusive relationships. Domestic violence against women has been considered as high as one in four. The risk is very high for women that is younger and those that has children. In this study, it will give a broader understanding of what causes domestic violence and how to prevent it from continuing to happen. With these findings, it will also show how some women have limited options for support and protection against their abuser and how the public lack the understanding that domestic violence should not be something that is acceptable. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page……………………………………………………………….……………………….1 Student Certification...
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