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Wearable Technology Research Paper

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Wearable Tech – Gaming

• Introduction
Wearable technology is accessories and clothing which have within, advanced technologies that are seamlessly infused within the body (Michael et al., 2014). These accessories are used in companion with the wearer and are meant to be of benefit. Having said that, it is still questionable whether or not the emersion of these technologies into our daily lives is here to stay. These technologies are applicable in many different contexts which include gaming, military, communication and medicine. Since these wearable gadgets mostly enhance or extend the normal functionality of accessories and can sometimes outperform hand held devices, it is safe to say that wearable technologies have a bright future and will …show more content…
These vests are able to precisely interact with the in-game commands through the installed game drivers, seamlessly making the experience realistic (Lowe, 2008). The haptic feedback generated from the vests during gaming do not introduce any kind discomfort to the player as the pokey sensation is gentle and it is worth mentioning that the vest is light weight, making it comfy and unnoticeable (Bonthuys, 2014). Rudderham (2014) states that the vests can be used in combination with the Oculus rift virtual reality goggles (TNGames, …show more content…
Since the vests enabled gamers to further interact with their favourite games, this makes the gaming vests truly remarkable and unique in the gaming industry. The feedback emanated from these gaming vests really pushes the boundaries of what it is to play video games; furthermore, the haptic intensifies and redefines gaming as we know it today. The fact that the Oculus gaming vest can be combined with a gaming vest (Rudderham, 2014) tells us that there will be a much higher demand for these in the gaming industry as the combo will attract the attention of gamers

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