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Week 2 You Decide


Submitted By sparki331
Words 493
Pages 2
Helen Ross, Network Technician
The main problem that Helen Ross is having is with the 50 networked printers. The queues are often filled up. Another problem she is having is to navigate to each printer individually to clear them. The third problem is that the network performance is so slow when many staff members are on. The last problem is that there are many collisions on the network.
One solution to these problems is to connect the printers to a print server via multiple 24 port switches. There would need to be three of these switches due to the over 50 networked printers leaving ample space incase they need to add more printers at a later date. The print server will also allow access to all the printers at one time. It will let you assign which users can print to each printer.
The other solution is to use Fiber 1000Based-F to help with the collision issue. 1000Based-F will provide data communication speeds of 1000-Mbps over optical fibers and will support full duplex communication. Full duplex data transmission will allow data to be transmitted in both directions at the same time. This will help speed up the network too.

John Fischer, HVAC Tech
John Fischer does 90% of his work via his laptop and Web browser. Unfortunately, he has to plug the Ethernet cable into his PC. Also, his operating system tells him that he is now operating at 10 megabits.
There are two solutions that will help John. The first would thing John needs to do is to upgrade his network system by using the Fiber 1000Based-F. This will increase the speed of the network to a 1 Gigabit connection. He also needs to install radio wireless media if he wants a wireless connection.

Selena Davis, Principal Selena’s problem is that most of the classrooms do not have a live network connection port. Only 7 of the 23 classrooms have the ability to connect to the network.

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