School of Business and Economics
Department of Accountancy
Student Trainee’s Daily Journal
Name of Student Trainee: DANDAN, Loranel A. Course: BSMA
Faculty Adviser:
Name of Company/Institution/Organization: Land Bank of the Philippines
Name of Supervisor: Mrs. Viola C. Batobalonos Area Assigned: VBG/RBAC
Period Covered: November 4 & 6, 2013 No. of Hours: 16 Date | What I Did(Activities) | What Did I Learn? | Deficiency/ Concerns | 4-Nov-13 | 1. Recorded the PRFs and DOs received on October 31, 2013 in their respective branch logbooks. 2. Encoded and consolidated the Monthly Procurement Report for September 2013. 3. Prepared a memo regarding supplies in the FMD. | 1. I learned the contents of a Procurement Form and a Disbursement Order. 2. I learned the different classifications of the procurement services. 3. I learned the correct format of a memo. | 1. I wasn’t able to finish the Monthly Procurement Report for September 2013 because of the time constraint and it took me a while to classify and match the different procurements of the branches with the classifications of our department. | 6-Nov-13 | 1. Continued the Monthly Procurement Report for September 2013. 2. Encoded and consolidated the Monthly Procurement Report for October 2013. 3. Recorded the PRFs and DOs received today in their respective branch logbooks. 4. Assisted our supervisor in preparing a memo. 5. I passed the different reports to their respective as signatories in the 2nd floor of the building. 6. Checked if all the previously received PRFs and DOs have been recorded in the logbooks. 7. Encoded and consolidated the Unserviceable fixed assets for disposal of the different branches. 8. I was taught