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Western Medicine Versus Traditional Medicine


Submitted By AlexaRamos
Words 963
Pages 4
Jyn Allec R. Samaniego HNF 61 Z Mam Ma-Ann Zarsuelo May 7, 2015

Position Paper: Western Medicine versus Traditional Medicine
The Limitations of Traditional Medicine from the Needs of the Society

In this time of modern technologies, we have found new ways of treating and curing disease. However, traditional medicine that was derived from old cultures is still available. Some people still prefer this kind of method, but some stick to conventional one which is the western medicine.

Western medicine is related to scientific method and emphasize measurable biochemical processes that drive disease, treatment and health. It relies on new modern technologies to alleviate disease and cure symptoms (“knowledgewharton”, n.d.)

On the other hand,traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness (Qi,n.d.)

Is it still better to use traditional medicine? It may be natural, has less side effects and holistic but I think that is too old and slow compared to the western medicine which is more accurate, more advanced and is readily available.

Traditional medicine may heal you but it is not optimized for effectiveness. It also takes time before it works. It may also contradict to your condition and may not be effective (“holistic”,n.d.) Specially on the cases of serious illness and injuries, it may waste your time and effort before you realize that it don't work, and it could be late for your condition. Herbal medicines has the possibilities to cure but takes longer than the conventional medication. Without patience, it may discouraged people, becoming inconsistent, making them to switch to other way.

Modern medicines have undergone laboratory tests and trials before coming to the market. It is approved safety and effective. It was assured in the laboratory that it is correct and in good quality. While traditional medicine have no standards and we are not ensured for its safety and quality (“debate”, 2011). We don't know the exact contents of these traditional medicines. They can have mistakes in using wrong species of plants or using contaminated with toxic substances, or risk of overdose (Scidev, n.d.). Herbal medicines can also cause allergic reactions. Modern medicines also have expiration while traditional medicine don't have.

On the other hand, our western medicine was also came from herbal plants that was enhanced or synthesized to have a good quality medicines which just work more effectively and more quick (Grunert, n.d.).

Traditional medicine also lacks understanding about the mechanisms of action. There is also insufficient evidence to support their methods' effectiveness (Wu,2010). While in scientists search to understand the mechanisms knowing how each medicine is working. It is tested by science and it was proved to work based from statistics. Traditional Medicine is not 100% reliable for it's slow and unsure effect. In Africa, Malaria has kill one million people for they only rely on traditional medicines (Scidev, n.d.)

The Western medicine, on the other hand, has many benefits as if we think of it. The technology and science has provided a higher scopes of cures and medicines for many disease and illness that is once incurable. If we would compare the two, it could be seen how limited the traditional medicine can do. In modern medicines, they can cure serious illness like a injuries or a heart disease (“benefits”,n.d.). It can also help in controlling infectious disease. Modern advances have developed effective drugs for managing heart disease, like diuretics, beta-blockers and hypertensive (Jamison,2006). It can easy alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of the patient so he/she can live normally. But also, it can also use procedures to understand the underlying cause of the symptoms to cure or prevent. Advanced medical devices can locate the problem through x-rays, blood tests, etc.(“benefits”,n.d.). Western medicine is also flexible, you can store it in your household while traditional medicines can't (“debate”, 2011). The medicine is also specific for a certain illness.

When it comes to the asurance, and time,it is better to use the more improved and advnced one. It is more convenient to use, easier, and more effective. Although, traditional medicine is an impressive method too, it is still has some limitations. But one thing that could be better for the society, is the incorporation of herbal plants into our modern medicines.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Benefits of Modern Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Grunert,J. (n.d.) Advantages and disadvantage of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Holistic Mind Body. Retrieved from <>

Jamison, (2006). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. New York: Oxford University Press

Modern medicine vs. Traditional Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Modern and Traditional Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Qi,Z (nd. Tradittional Medicine .Retrieved from <>

Traditional vs Western Medicine. Retrieved from <>

Wu,J (2010, Nov 6) Gastroentol Hepatol. Retrieved from <>

Western Medicine versus Traditional Medicine

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