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Peking Union Medical College

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Introduction: The Cause of Establishment

The Peking Union Medical College, established by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1917, is located in Dongcheng District, Beijing, China (Peking Union Medical College). The Rockefeller Foundation entered China with the objective of building modern, westernized medical schools in both Peking and Shanghai. It purchased the Union Medical College from the London Missionary Society in 1915 and built a faculty of over fifty professors and upgraded facilities after which it was renamed to the Peking Union Medical College (The Rockefeller Foundation).
Both John D. Rockefeller, Sr and his son considered China to be of significant interest, especially after Frederick Gates, their advisor, propelled them to give more attention to that region. The 1914 China Medical Commission, dispatched by the Rockefeller Foundation, carried out a medical education survey which found awfully low standards in medicine education and healthcare throughout the nation. The report concluded that the need for external assistance was great due to scarce resources within the nation (Ninkovich). Thus the China Medical Board, one of the first operating divisions of the Rockefeller Foundation, was …show more content…
John Black Grant, a professor at the Peking Union Medical College, established health organizations and programs such as the medicine and nurses program. The Chinese government and Grant sought to combine Chinese and Western medicine to improve the preexisting medical system (Foster, 2010). Grant also founded the Hygiene and Public Health Department at the Peking Union Medical College in 1921. Many students, including Li Dequan, Chen Zhiqian, Yan Fuqing, P.Z. King, Lin Chao-chin, and Marion Yang, were trained at the Peking Union Medical College. They would eventually go on to play major roles in the development of modern medicine in China (Foster,

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