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Film Analysis: Just Like Us

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Immigration has always been an issue in the United States. The feud between politicians on this topic is still alive, and citizens of the United States are uncertain of when, or if, this issue will ever recede. Just Like Us sheds light on how difficult life was for those without citizenship in 2002, specifically for Marisela and Yadira. However, what does being an American mean? This production has a powerful message behind this very question and shows awareness through culture representation and appreciation; it shows us that with or without legal documentation, we are all people and we should, in all fairness, be treated equally. Unfortunately, we live in a society filled with unequally distributed opportunity. Coming from a Hispanic …show more content…
The set overall was a very symbolic representation of the U.S. and Mexico. The door the characters used to walk in and out was made of old, broken, horizontally positioned wood, and extended passed the top of the door. After observing it throughout the play, I finally realized the superior portion of the door was actually the American flag. Upon this realization, I noticed that the adjacent wall, where actors would enter and exit from, was a brick wall that extended about as high as the American flag, which I interpret as the wall, or border, between the United States and Mexico. Anyone and everyone walked through both entrances and I believed the director was trying to express that, it doesn’t matter where you were born, or where your family comes from; we’re all human beings and we all deserve equal opportunity. This production expresses problems not only from 2002, but problems that are still alive today. This is a production of awareness; a production to inform people to be kind, to help people realize that everyone is a human being and rights should not be denied from people based on race, skin color, or what people’s beliefs are. It’s more than that and this nation has yet to realize

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