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Annotated Bibliography: Gender Stereotypes

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Sarah Veslany
CAS 202
Annotated Bibliography Assignment
Bury, R., & Li, J. (2013). Is it live or is it time-shifted, streamed or downloaded? Watching television in the era of multiple screens. News, Media, & Society, 17(4), 592-610. In this article the authors discuss how different methods of television viewing are effected across gender, age, and geographic location. The study takes into account what percentage of television viewers watch television traditionally versus how many television viewers use stream or download their preferred TV programs. The specific viewing options the researchers take into account are watching a show on a television at airtime, recorded DVR viewing after the scheduled broadcast time, internet streaming …show more content…
The visuals included with the research was helpful when reading the author’s qualitative comparative analysis of multiple posters present in Spanish secondary schools and universities. This source would be useful in framing a qualitative study on gender representation in advertising present in public educational institutions. This particular study focuses primarily upon representation of gender stereotypes in public educational spaces and how such gender constructions effects the stereotypes that are inflicted and perpetuated in society on men and …show more content…
The authors of the text sought out to build upon existing research that substantiate the claim that negative news reporting has a more potent effect on audiences than “positive news.” The current body of research indicates that audiences have a tendency to be more perceptive to negatively framed news stories, than they do to positively framed stories. Much of the authors’ review of literature focuses on related texts from the psychology and economic fields of study; all of which provide evidence to the notion that negative news stories garner more attention than their positive counterparts. The experiment conducted in this study took 63 participants, both male and female, between 18 and 38 years old. The experiment had each participant watch a 25 minute news program with 9 packages designed to include one neutral story, 4 “positive stories,” and 4 “negative stories.” The participants’ responses were coded to track their physiological

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