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Wgu Nursing Assessment Paper

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CNA/MA Clinical Ladder Application Exemplars – Level III

Level III

SUBMITS exemplar describing collaborative, functional relationships with members of the nursing team

I truly strive to provide our patients with the best patient-centered care experience during their recovery. To complete this task most efficiently, I have recognized that being a team player and professional development is extremely important. I begin my mornings with rearranging the rooms in preparation for the surgical and medical admissions. I have found this to be most effective in reducing the stress of my coworkers during high volume admission periods. It also provides incoming patients with a smooth transition onto the floor. My co-workers and I, enter the rooms together ensuring that AM care is offered and/or completed and that the patients ‘overall needs have been met. Before I leave each room, I ensure that the phone, call bell and the patient belongings are within reach. I also make sure that all tubes, wires, and/ or drains are untangled and in the appropriate place. I document and complete hourly rounds in a timely manner. Unexpected findings, such as substandard vital signs/glucose levels, changes in patient conditions, questions and concerns from the patient/ …show more content…
X’s room to find her sitting in the chair. After performing a 60 second assessment of the room and Mrs. X, I realized that her right arm was swollen. I immediately called the nurse and paused the machine based on her instruction. I proceeded to assess Mrs. X comfort and pain level. I stayed with her until the nurse was able to assess her arm. The nurse concluded that the Mrs. X’s intravenous line had declined and thus it needed to be removed. I gathered the necessary supplies for the nurse. I also provided the patient with a pillow to place underneath the affected arm in an effort to reduce the swelling. The patient and the nurse were grateful for my quick intervention and

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