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After World War I: Environmental Analysis

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The original environmental awareness started late nineteen centuries after the industrial revolution (Dunlap and Mertig 2013). A lot of factories had been built during this time. However, people did not have knowledge and technology for environmental awareness, numerous exhaust, and wastewater emission, also, the great amount energy used in nineteen centuries. The haze widespread in the air, large amount river had been polluted, energy resources reduce rapidly. People started noticing the issues and made the claim on environmental protection. For example, Gifford Pinchot who was the leader of early conservation who emphasize the importance of sustainable resources development (Dunlap and Mertig 2013).
In United State, the conservation dragged whole nation’s attention after World War I. It was because of several issues affect people’s living environment such as Dust Bowl, deluge and soil preservation (Dunlap and Mertig 2013). Nevertheless, people understood how crucial for our living surrounding but they were not able to make an effort to it because of Great Depression came after the war. The United State government concentrated on economic recovery until the end of World War II (Dunlap and Mertig 2013). …show more content…
The new wave of conservationism began in the 1950s, more and more people focus on natural beauty, environmental pollution which includes air and water conservation and over growing population. In the 1960s, an influential book was written by Rachel Carson, “Silent Spring”, dressed about DDT caused bird population decreasing and how it had been effective in human beings’ life (Dunlap and Mertig 2013). At the same time, the combination of old and new issues let American government applied how significance environmental protection due to human beings. Several environmental policies had been done during this

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