...Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life People love to argue. Not in a screaming at each other because the peanut butter lid was left off again kind of way, but with intentions of being progressive. With a little bit of structure to an argument, it ends up being more of a debate and is usually enjoyable, especially if you win. Since people have been debating for so long, and like to do it, you would think that there would be a surefire way to come to a mutual understanding. However, certain topics will be debated until the end of time before there is ever any sort of resolution. When it comes to abortion, seldom is somebody without an opinion; and others could not be more rooted in their beliefs. In order to form an objective opinion it is imperative to understand both sides of a debate and then make a decision based on the facts. On the matter of abortion, the logic behind being pro-choice is more objective and therefore the stronger viewpoint. The first step in choosing a stance on abortion is to understand what the different beliefs are. There are two main beliefs on the matter: pro-life and pro-choice. A recent poll shows that about 51 percent of Americans are pro-life while 42 percent are pro-choice (Operation). According to the world’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, the mission of the pro-life belief is “to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death” (NRLC)...
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...The aim of this paper is to clear up any misconceptions about the issue of abortion in order for people to be able to make a clear, conscious decision regarding the issue while taking into consideration both sides surrounding the argument. In today’s world many teenagers engage in the act of sexual intercourse without taking any of the consequences into consideration. This results in many unplanned pregnancies and teenagers need to have the option to have a way out and not cut their lives short. Instead of resorting to dangerous, illegal methods of aborting the baby, abortion should be legalized so that these future mothers feel safe enough not to have to risk their lives in order to avoid a possible disaster. If abortion isn’t made legal we are risking the health and well being of our future generations simply because the public is too close minded to consider the positive outcome of such an action. Abortion is a very controversial topic in the world of today. Pro-choice and Pro-life both have considerable arguments. What is abortion? According to the Webster dictionary, abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Abortion of course, as opposed to a miscarriage is purposely induced. Some people view abortion as a violation of God’s gifts to humans, which is birth, while others claim that it’s a personal choice for those who are faced with certain situations...
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...Abortion is one of the most controversial topics that faces society in today’s world. This controversial topic has caused many deaths and several heated arguments between the two separate parties of opinion. The arguments between pro-life and pro-choice supporters have been long and can be very violent. This argument will continue to go on for years, but based on your opinion there are legitimate arguments for both sides. It all depends on personal opinion whether or not each side can say with certainty that the other one is wrong. The two sides to abortion are pro-life and pro-choice, and this is an issue that politicians face in every election, and it plays a big role in how many citizens decide on who they are going to vote for in the election. The many court cases that involved abortion have influenced United States history in a big way. These court cases include: Stenberg v. Carhart, Roe v. Wade, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Abortion in the United States has been banned and legalized throughout the history of this country, and the interest groups involving this topic have had many heated arguments throughout the years, and continue to have them today. Abortion is the voluntary termination of a pregnancy, resulting in the death of the fetus or embryo (Gill). Abortion is a topic that has been around for a long time, and is something that has been debated in just about every society. Abortion has been a part of the United States history since the U.S. was...
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...Revolution of the 19th century our society has turned upside down. Everything under the sun had become questionable, the origin of life, how we came to be, where are we headed and what to do in the here all became questions in life. But one of the greatest impacts of this new age thinking is its effect on our Old World values. Western societies values, morals and ethics became debatable, with some people striving for change and others clinging for stability. Battle lines had been drawn and the Liberals and Conservatives were ready to duke it out on a number of issues. One of these debates centers on a woman's right to have and abortion. According to the Webster's dictionary and abortion is defined as a miscarry, something misshapen or unnatural. An abortion is a procedure in which an embryo or fetus is prohibited from developing by artificial means. One could argue that this is next to murder. How can we as a society sanction the murdering of developing babies? Also it can equally be stated that abortion is unnatural and a health hazard to women who have undergone the procedure. Whatever the case, abortion should be outlawed because it is immoral and mothers should face the responsibilities of their actions. Many arguments can be used in order to put an end to abortion or at least in order to establish dialogue. One of the oldest arguments against abortion is the religious standpoint. Western society (Canada & U.S.A.) is historically a Judeo-Christian culture with Judeo-Christian...
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...November 2014 Researched Argument Audience Analysis: Abortion 1. Who is your audience? What is the name of the person or group for whom you are writing this argument? Why have you chosen this person or group as your target audience? Why will your argument have exigence for your audience? My audience would be to pregnant women. I have chosen my audience to be pregnant women because women who get pregnant are often asked if they know all their options. 2. How open is your audience to your argument? Is it undecided or hostile? Keep in mind that the more hostile your audience is, the more time you will need to spend establishing common ground between you and your audience. My audience would have to be more towards hostile because abortion is a sensitive subject to some people. 3. How will you organize your argument to accommodate your audience’s level of openness to your position? Will your argument have a classical structure? Will it have a Rogerian structure? Will you be presenting your reasons and evidence before directly stating your thesis? Why, based on your knowledge of your audience, will your argument have the organization you will be using? I will give both of the sides of the argument and keep an open mind when presenting both sides. My argument will have a Rogerian structure and my thesis will come after all the evidence is presented. 4. What are your audience's priorities and goals? What are your audience's concerns and fears? What values and beliefs contribute...
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...Maxwell Husband St. Joseph’s University Moral Foundations T/TR 8:30-9:45 “Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice” Abortion is and forever will be a very controversial topic of discussion. It has been debated for years whether it is morally right or wrong. Abortion is a unique subject in that it involves not only morality but also a large amount of theology, emotion, and law. It is also unique because it forces people to choose one side or the other, there is a very small gray area when it comes to this debate, and the side that I will fall on in this essay is the pro-choice side. In this essay I will attempt prove that abortion is not murdering an innocent fetus and that the arguments for pro-choice are stronger than the ones for pro-life. The main point of disagreement between the two sides is what constitutes life, when does human life actually begin? I believe to construct a sound argument this issue must be examined first. I will then go on to cover other various pro-choice points such as a women’s right to choose, the quality of life for the potential child, and the extreme circumstances that will disprove the notion that abortion is morally wrong. As stated in my opening paragraph, the key issue in the case of abortion is determining the status of the fetus in the sense of its humanity. It is my belief that a fetus does not qualify as a human. I agree with Warren when she states that “human being” is a term that is not often distinguished, she suggests that there are two...
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...By definition, abortion refers to the ending of a pregnancy by removal of fetus from the uterus of the mother before the embryo can survive its own. As an added note, abortion can be categorized into two types. One is natural abortion otherwise known as a miscarriage. In this case, the fetus is rejected by the mother’s body and does not survive to term. In some circles, this considered an act of God and therefore moral. The other is induced abortion. Induced abortion is an act done purposefully for either health reasons or other personal reasons. The last definition is where society has been divided and has caused a monumental debate as the case for and against abortion when done purposefully has ignited society’s deepest outlooks. Many philosophers...
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...It’s a Woman’s Choice to Have an Abortion Angel Jones Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare AIU Virtual Campus October 31, 2015 It’s a Woman’s Choice to Have an Abortion Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy before birth using medicine or surgery, resulting in the removal of the fetus and placenta from a woman’s uterus. Because the process of this procedure ultimately results in the death of the fetus, Abortion has been one of the most debated ethical issues of our time and dividing our nation (Raffel, Borgone, D’Ambrosio, Heydon, 2015). The world is divided on this issue with pro-choice supporters on one side, pro-life supporters on the other side, and the government in the middle. The government is trying to eliminate the option of abortion for women, stripping them of their right to make decisions concerning their bodies. Is it fair? Everyone has their own opinion or arguments against abortion, but ultimately it should be the woman who makes the choice whether to have an abortion or not. There have been many debates on abortion between the pro-life and pro-choice supporters. Among those topics debated has been whether or not abortions are safe, considered murder, or if it’s used as a form of contraception. The pro-life supporters have argued that life begins at the time of conception so abortion is considered murder. The pro-choice supporters fired back stating that nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot...
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...Question 3: Assess the arguments for and against abortion, giving consideration to both medical and ethical issues. Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a foetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. It is derived from the Latin word ‘aboriri’ that means ‘to fail to be born’. The abortion argument is one of the most complex, controversial and highly charged topics in our society today. Those against abortion view it as the murder of a living human being, whilst its supporters take on the view that the choice of abortion lies with the woman, the foetus is not considered a human life but only a ‘tissue’ hence it is under the control of the mother and she should be allowed to make her decision at any point in her pregnancy without any resistance. On the other hand you have the ‘middle ground’ supporters who take on the moderate view in terms of the trauma the whole experience does to the woman who makes the life altering decision to consider or take abortion as an option, they are for restrictions on abortion to some extent however not banning the option entirely. Overall, this essay will serve to give an overview of the main abortion arguments, discussing, analyzing and trying to understand from each view. It will be looked at from a neutral perspective however no verdict will be made, as to attempt to derive the right answer for abortion will be difficult: the reason being that it is connected...
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...The writer believes the life of a child should not be terminated solely based on a mother experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. The second pro-choice argument is the idea that personhood is different from human life. Many pro-choice advocates distinguish between human life and personhood, and they believe that this distinction is important in the context of reproductive rights. Pro-choice advocates agree that a fetus is biologically human, as it has human DNA and is the offspring of a human parent. However, many pro-choice advocates argue that being biologically human is not the same as being a person, according to Planned Parenthood.org. I believe that since a fetus possesses human DNA, it should be classified as a human being. As we recognize individuals outside the room of human beings based on their DNA, we should give the same recognition to a fetus inside the womb. The third pro-choice...
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...10/21/2012 Abortion: Is it her choice or theirs While a woman should have the right to choose abortion without being criticized, the issue of abortion is very disputable. Everyone has their own individual opinion. Many people believe abortion is a moral issue, but it is also a constitutional issue. It is a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, and it should not be altered or influenced by anyone else Abortion represents a woman's right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy, and this is a fundamental human right and reproductive freedom that is protected by the United States Constitution. This basic and important reproductive choice should not be made by the government or any other outside force against the woman's wishes but solely by the individual woman herself. Abortion is quite the controversial matter in society today; however, it is not widely discussed, and therefore it is hard for one to express their opinions on the matter. Regardless, many people have their views on the subject, whether these views be educated and well thought up, or simply a general view as to why abortion should or should not be practiced. However, for the most part, it seems that certain social groups of society tend to think the same way on abortion. Many forms of religion are opposed to abortion. In their eyes, abortion is a form of murder in that it involves the taking of an innocent life. Issues of life and death are closely linked to spiritual issues and should...
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...Health Ethics Paper #1 Mary Pluski Case Abortion, which is the termination of pregnancy by the removal of an embryo or fetus, has had an extensive history of controversy. The controversy has been centered on whether or not abortion should be legalized. In Mary Pluski's case, I do not think it is morally wrong for her to want to have the abortion. She wants to have the abortion, because she's not ready to have any children. She was not having sex for the pleasure of it, she was raped and that is believed to be the cause of the pregnancy. I personally feel that a women should be allowed to choose if she wants to have an abortion or if she wants to keep the baby. I believe in pro-choice, which means that a woman should have complete control of her decision to either continue with the pregnancy or terminate the pregnancy. In the Mary Pluski Case, she was raped, became pregnant and does not want to have a baby. She is not ready to take care of a baby and she does not want to bring a baby into the world while she is not ready to make that change into her life. In some cases of rape, abortion can be seen as a method to free the woman of the pain and trauma the victim may have received. For plenty women, giving birth to a child that resulted from a rape can be just as brutal as the rape itself. I believe the ethical theory my argument reflects would be Act Utilitarianism. The person that may or may not have the abortion is making a decision for a certain reason....
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...Should Abortion be Legal? Julianne Jackson PHI 103 Fabio Escobar June 11, 2012 Should Abortion be Legal? Abortion is something that I am for, not against. I was raised as a Christian and I believe that, “thou shalt not kill” however, there are circumstances in our lives that cause us to believe differently. Life is about making choices and our maker and society gives us the freedom to choose. It is because of these choices that we will make a decision as to if we are ethically right or wrong. This is because regardless of what people may believe abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is the matter of a personal opinion where each side can say with conviction that the other side is wrong. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues around and it will remain an issue that will never be agreed upon. The issue of morals has been put into the question of whether it should be legal to have an abortion thus elevating the subject to a higher level. Some people no longer look at abortion as a question of choice but as a question of morality, and these perceptions have led to a full-blown debate over something that should not be questioned. A single pregnant woman brought a class action suit that challenged the Texas law that prohibited abortions except when medically advised with the purpose of saving the mother’s life. Roe was the single mother in this case and Henry Wade was one...
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...Abortion Abortion is a serious issue that is always discussed in America. Abortion is known world -wide as a termination of pregnancy. Currently in many states it is becoming illegal and abortion clinics are being shut down. The topic of Abortion cause a huge debate in America, there are people who are completely against in and people who are strongly for it. Abortion should not be completely illegal but, it should only be offered to people who have had a traumatic life event that has happened to them. Americans who are against abortion have very strong reasons for their choice. There are citizens who believe life begins as soon as an egg is fertilized and if pregnancy is terminated it is as if one is committing murder. People who are pro-life also believe that in real society it wouldn’t be allowed to harm a living person so it shouldn’t be allowed to harm a fetus. They also believe in cases such as rape or incest abortion shouldn’t be allowed because it punishes the child instead when it should really be the suspect who should be punished. A huge ordeal that could prevent pregnancy in the first place in using contraceptives, abortion shouldn’t be the ultimate back up plan. Women should be responsible enough to use protection when being sexually active so they don’t immediately turn to abortion when they suspect they are pregnant. After having an abortion it is told that some women have doubts about the decision they have just made. A lot of girls who go through with...
Words: 841 - Pages: 4
...Article Rebuttal on Pro Choice BCOM 275 August 5, 2013 Michael Frank The controversial topic that this paper will discuss is the right to pro choice. Pro choice being the woman’s right to decide abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. After reading the article “Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Annihilating the Abortion Argument” by Hank Hanegraaff, in which uses the acronym (A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N) to discuss the reasons why abortion should not be legal. I will provide a rebuttal to this article as to why I do not agree with these views and I will discuss how pro-choice is a necessary option for all women. In Hank Hanegraaff’s article he discusses his views on pro life. He goes on to state his reasons why pro –life is much more important than pro-choice. He states that pro-choice advocates attack people rather than issues facing abortion and pro-life advocates. To further prove his point of view he uses biblical references, as he understands, to state that abortion is nothing more than killing another human being, in which the Bible states “Thou shall not kill”. He uses that abortion is a violation of the sixth amendment, as if abortion is against the law. Hank also states that when abortion is the result of pregnancy from rape or incest, that one should not compound the situation by aborting the unwanted child. He states that “two wrongs, do not make it right” (Hanegraaff, 2009). He also states that a study said that .06 percent of pregnancies are from rape or incest (Hanegraaff,...
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