...ECONOMIC SYSTEM, SUPPLY AND DEMAND When a natural disasters occur, in order to get help to the general public as soon as possible you have crisis crews like fire departments, ambulances, police and etc. that are usually the primary help and first responders to a sight were the natural disaster has occurred in the general public. Socialism is an “economic system characterized by public ownership and operation of key industries combined with private ownership and operation of less-vital industries” (Bovee, Thill, p29). Socialism system is the best resolution for controlling emergency situations, as they are in it to help out the general public and not for profit. The administration takes care of individuals in order to compensate them, so each person can concentrate on helping the individuals that are in need of first aid. With organizations like the Red Cross being a nonprofit organization means that each person is doing what they are supposed to be doing by watching after each injured individual’s best interest. Socialism, would be the best economic system to assist people, because it demonstrates to people how to work together during the time of the crisis and assist each other in this time of great need. Being familiar with what could happen in your area with hazards, such as flash flood, hurricanes, tornados, etc. you can help yourself and others in order to be well prepared for if one disaster does occur you’re not completely relying on organizations for help, and with people...
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...t Economic System suited for handling natural disasters. When trying to determine which economic system would be best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions such as a hurricane, blizzard, flood; and forest fire. One must first seek to understand the difference between the economic systems. One must also have a complete understanding of each systems strengths and weakness that may be prevalent in the circumstance that would surround such a crisis. It is my understanding that a free market system promotes the production and sales of goods and services with little to no help from any government agency. It allows for the supply and demand of its services to dictate its prices. So with lack of government control and government enforced pricing it allows for a vast range of freedoms, but as with anything it also has its drawbacks. In a market system they have the freedom to create products and services they feel consumers want. They are not relying on the government agency telling them when the public needs a new product. It is then in the hands of the consumer to decide if the product or service will survive. Now we add in market failures, failures such as the great depression in the 1930’s and the real estate crash in 2008 these all stemmed from highly leveraged assets and little government intervention and those seeking short term, quick profits over slow gains over time aided by loose credit. In a free market they are also largely motivated by profit. It is my opinion...
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...The economic system that is best suited for handling a crises of epic proportion would be the socialism system. The reasoning for this is because our Government is part of the socialism system. Our government always plays a big role in disasters. They are the ones that are able to approve assistance and approve what king of funding families get. Whenever an epic crisis happens or strikes these people are ready and prepared for it. By using the socialism system there would be no red tape to go through because you will be dealing with the government and middle man. In this case wiping out the middle man and politics that a state may have to go through is eliminated. The state would already be dealing with the government and after analyzing the damage and estimating how much the state may need in funding they can go right to the source. The Government also has the ability to speak right with the President of the United States and he is able to declare it a state of federal disaster. When this decision is made it is then easier to know which funding to ask for. In an emergency situation a socialist system would be the best to respond. The needs of the people will be met and everyone will get assistance no matter what. With help from the government the departments get the help that they need to take care of natural disasters. They are able to provide the services that are necessary. This system has quotas and this is a benefit to them. When the earthquake hit, it...
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...Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions (hurricane, flood, blizzard, forest fire, etc.)? Why? When there is a natural disaster, crisis crews such as fire departments, ambulances, police and etc. are usually the primary help to be first on sight to help the general public. The Socialism system seems to offer the best resolution for controlling emergency situations. The administration takes care of compensating the individuals who work there so each person can concentrate on assisting the individuals that are in need of aid. With organizations like the Red Cross being a not for profit organization means that each person is doing what they are supposed to do by seeing after each injured individual’s best interest. Socialism, in its perfect form, would be the best economic system to assist people because it demonstrates to people how to come together during this time of crisis and assist each other in this time of great need. Being familiar with what could happen in your area, the possible hazards that could affect the area in the aftermath and the knowledge of what to do to protect yourself and your family can help you take effective steps to prepare beforehand and aid recovery after the event. To validate why socialism is a better choice, we should look at what is socialism. Socialism is an economic structure based on the proposition that some, if not most, rudimentary businesses such as coal mines and utilities, should be retained...
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...Business 115 Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions (hurricane, flood, blizzard, forest fire, etc.)? Why? As far as handling a crisis, I would have to say that the socialist economic system would be the best. Since the Government makes all of the decision, the socialist economic system would probably be best prepared for the situation. “Socialist economy is a system of production where goods and services are produced directly for use, in contrast to a capitalist economic system, where goods and services are produced to generate profit.” (2013) In any kind of crisis, the socialism system would best support the situation. The government would step in and help society out in a situation like this. “Socialism teaches people to help others during the time of crisis. Being a not for profit organization means that everyone doing what they are supposed to and looking after injured people’s best interest.” (2013) Describe and explain why a socialist system might be the best in responding to the needs of people struck by an emergency situation like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in January 2010 Health care, child care, and education are free in a socialist system. “The government would already be most likely responsible and/or prepared to serve the needs of those in need. It also states in the book that workers get longer vacations and work fewer hours per week, so the people available to help in cleanup disasters would be plentiful....
Words: 580 - Pages: 3
...Assignment Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions (hurricane, flood, blizzard, forest fire, etc.)? Why? NIMS (National Incidence Management System) also known as FEMA. When there is a natural disaster, emergency crews (fire department, ambulance, police etc.) is usually the first help on the scene to help people out. Socialism system offers the best solution for handling emergency situations because the government takes care of paying the people who work there so everyone can focus on helping the people in need. Being a not for profit organization means that everyone doing what they are supposed to and looking after injured people's best interest. Socialism in its perfect form (which rarely ever happens) seems to be the best economic system because it teaches people how to share things with your neighbor and to help out on the time of need. Describe and explain why a socialist system might be the best in responding to the needs of people struck by an emergency situation like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in January 2010. A socialist society is more likely to have immediate and controlled impact on an emergency situation like the ones suffered in recent years throughout the world. Socialist societies are base in the good of the nation and the human needs of the people making them more efficient in regrouping and reorganizing their efforts. In these societies, each person has a role to play and they know what it is. There is...
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...The economic system that is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions (hurricane, flood, blizzard, forest fire, etc.) is the socialism system. “With a fairly high degree of government planning and some government ownership of capital resources.” (Bovee 29). The government is a major part in the socialism system as the government would be the one to distribute resources to the people that make sure everyone will be able to get assistance. Therefore, when a crisis strikes, people are prepared to act on it. In an emergency situation, like the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, a socialist system would be the best in responding to the needs of people stuck by it because in a socialist system, everyone gets assistance no matter what. With help from the government, the departments who help with natural disasters are able to provide services when necessary. The socialist system has a division of labor and quotas which is given to them; therefore to them that is a big benefit. After the earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, it was able to give out needed resources to the citizens equally, in order to rebuild the country. In a socialist system, everyone who is affected is given the same treatment during an emergency. Which includes shelter, food and if unable to afford services they are given financial help. These ways, allow the socialism system to respond and control the situation more quick and efficiently than other systems. These Non-profit organizations are also able...
Words: 336 - Pages: 2
...Disaster Capitalism The best way to describe the opening stages of disaster capitalism is shock and awe and the inception of what she refers to as the shock doctrine. Throughout Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, she describes how cataclysmic events whether through wars, terrorism, military coups, market meltdowns or natural disasters open the doors to Friedmanite (named after Milton Friedman) economics (2007). Not only do these disastrous events make countries susceptible to increased exploitation from free market capitalists looking to profit from disaster, their radical economic policies and the massive privatization of public schools, utilities, health care and other public services, but also, as Klein describes in the book, it has led to some of the most atrocious and violent acts carried out by governments and their army and police forces throughout the world. Klein begins with describing the events that took place immediately after Louisiana was hit by Hurricane Katrina. She introduces us to Milton Friedman, author of Capitalism and Freedom and the one responsible for using “shock therapy” to implement Chicago School economics in other countries. Friedman’s goal was to recreate societies and return them to a pure capitalist state without any interruptions, government regulations, trade barriers and entrenched interests (Klein, 2007). In addition, he believed that the reformation to pure capitalism of these societies was not possible without the presence of a disaster...
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...planned economic system is best suited. In a planned economic system the government controls the allocation of resources and limits freedom of choice in order to accomplish government goals (Bovee & Thill, 2014). The government will have a group of organizations already prepared for a crisis of epic proportions and expect no profit to be made. On January 12, 2010 an earthquake struck Haiti. The quake flattened houses, hotels, and government buildings, including the National Palace and UN headquarters (Smith, 2010). I remember watching the news on TV and seeing what was left of Haiti. The next day the president of the United States Barrack Obama was on television telling everybody that he had the situation under control. Obama comes from a mixed capitalism. When he heard of the earthquake in Haiti he probably thought, this is my chance to help save millions of lives and make money. A month into the disaster, the U.S. and UN were managing to feed only 1 million people, leaving more than a million people without relief aid. Instead of mobilizing to provide water, food, and housing for the victims, the U.S. focused on occupying the country with 20,000 U.S. troops and surrounding it with a flotilla of U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships (Smith, 2010). In my opinion Obama did everything he said he will do, but with a price. I’m sure he helped a lot of people, but just not as many as he should of. After all Barack Obama is a capitalist and in a capitalist system only those...
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...CIRDAP The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is a regional, intergovernmental and autonomous institution. It was established in 1979 at the initiative of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations with support from other UN organisations and donor countries/agencies. The member countries of CIRDAP are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh (host state), Fiji Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The main objectives of the Centre are to: (i) assist national action, (ii) promote regional cooperation, and (iii) act as a servicing institution for its member countries for promotion of integrated rural development through research, action research, training and information dissemination. Amelioration of rural poverty in the Asia-Pacific region has been the prime concern of CIRDAP. The programme priorities of CIRDAP are set under four Areas of Concern: 1) Agrarian development; 2) Institutional/infrastructural development; 3) Resource development including human resources; and 4) Employment. Within these areas of concern, the thematic areas are: Poverty alleviation through participatory approaches with emphasis on social sector development (e.g. health, education and nutrition); Employment generation through microcredit support, infrastructure development and local resource mobilisation;...
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...which will represent the residents of New Orleans, the residents of the surrounding floods plains, the Mayor of New Orleans, and the federal government represented by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the taxpayers. We will look at scenario models, risk management, and decision trees to support our decisions and analysis. This natural disaster took an enormous toll on the residents of New Orleans. Over 1200 lives were lost and countless injuries were suffered. The loss of revenue from the shutdown of businesses, loss of homes and possessions of residents caused much pain and human suffering. We will conclude with an executive summary which will summarize our decision for or against rebuilding of New Orleans. Prior to the hurricane New Orleans was a tourism magnet. The city offered many restaurants, festivals, and great weather. These positives made tourism a thriving market. Other boons for the economy of New Orleans were the mining, transportation, and warehousing along its waterways. More products came through this port than any other port in the world. There are many colleges in the area than add to the economic bottom line of the city. Many things added to the beauty of the city. The diverse culturalism with many nationalities represented including the French, Spanish, Germans, Haitians, and other afro-American and Caribbean people made New Orleans a melting pot for many things. Jazz, Blues, Creole cooking and Gumbo are part of the history of New...
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...What is Human Services? Manuel (Matthew) Custodio BSHS/302-Introduction To Human Services 1/21/13 Instructor: Joseph Spalding What is Human Services An explanation of Human Services exploring the nature, history and purpose will demonstrate the importance of this field for individuals, which goal is based on assisting individual in meeting their own basic needs. Human Services is a profession that serves the public and was design to promote improvement in society for those individuals that cannot meet their own basic physical and emotional needs (Martin, 2011). A good example of understanding an individual needs is Maslow’s Hierarchy, which is based on five different stages of development (Feldman, 2009). The lowest stage of this hierarchy is basic needs such as: water, food and the highest stage is self-actualization where the person reaches his or her highest potential (Feldman, 2009). According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy theory a person cannot reach the highest level if they are struggling with the a lower level and each level is a type of progression to reach the highest level. This understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy assist professional in evaluation where their clients are at in their stage of needs development. The goal of human services is to assist individual in the community to overcome their personal struggle to meet their needs caused by personal and social obstacles (Martin, 2011). Human services support these people by teaching them to maximize their...
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...Mitchell Hessler 5/8/12 The Social-Economic, Political, and Environmental Impacts of Unregulated Population Growth Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, mankind is well on its way to answering a seldom asked yet vitally important question pertaining to its sustainability. "How many people can inhabit this planet sustainably?" This is a question that should have been looked into decades ago, yet the answer is still unclear. With no regards to what the answer may be mankind persists in rapidly escalating its population as if the worlds sustainable population capacity is limitless. With the numerous problems that currently plague mankind, overpopulation is perhaps the most threatening and overlooked issue. If current population trends continue there will undoubtedly be terrible repercussion to face in the future. Problems arising from overpopulation will eventually have a grim impact on the socio-economic systems and political systems of the world along with the environment as a whole, the worst of which could lead to the annihilation of the human race. This is why population growth should be a global concern that should be recognized, examined, and dealt with immediately. To understand the impacts of overpopulation one must first understand the concept of overpopulation. Overpopulation is a state wherein the population density of an area has grown large enough to exceed what would be the natural sustainable inhabitant capacity of that area...
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8
...results in more affordable products for the consumer. The exchange of goods also affects the economy of the world as dictated by supply and demand, making goods and services obtainable which may not otherwise be available to consumers globally. REGIONAL TRADE: A regional free trade agreement removes all barriers to trade and foreign investment, meaning that poor economies are not allowed to use import tariffs to protect their growing industries or their farmers from floods of cheap imports. GLOBALIZATION: The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration. ANTI-GLOBALIZATION: Movement whose participants are opposed to capitalism and globalization. The philosophy of the movement is based on the belief that individuals and organizations can achieve social, personal and economic goals without the negative consequences associated with capitalism. The anti-globalization movement places more emphasis on economic efficiency and human decency versus corporate competition and profits at any cost. Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor...
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...Japanese Robotics Rough Draft Team B Heather Jones, Robert Hiser (Team Lead), George Dyakovetsky (Editor), Jerry Hornbogen, Edward (Andy) Felchak, Tricia Creek November 12, 2011 DeVry University Table of contents Contents Introduction 3 Culture of Japan 4 Overview of Japanese Robotics 9 Impact of Technology on the Culture 12 The Japanese Robot Economy 15 Japanese Robotic R & D Economy 17 Sales of Robotic Technology 18 The Workforce Economy 19 Economic Conclusion 20 Government Impacts 21 Public Projects Impact 22 Economics Impact 23 Technology Impacts 23 Moral and Ethical Consideration 24 Positive Impact 24 Negative Impact 25 Conclusion 27 References 28 Introduction Robots of any style and kind have been on people’s minds since the beginning of the technological ages. We see through time where our imaginations have expended when it comes to think about Robots and what we think they will become. We used to think of Robots as multiple armed machines that could cook eggs, pour coffee, and flip eggs. These robots would mimic human behaviors and motions. Then we see cartoons of robots that gave us dreams of robot maids and robot machines that would supply us with any food of our choice, and have it fully cooked, and delivered through a tube. However, now-a-days, we have evolved to higher technology and have even greater imaginations (Niku, 2001). Although, there is one country that surpasses all when it comes to robots and robotics...
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