...tell a lot about a person and can influence others to become a better person. Many people have very sad life experiences, and others have had a great life experience. Each experience tells a life lesson that everybody can benefit from. In this case, my father’s life experience has motivated me to become an even better person. Life experiences from others can impact another person life to become even greater. That is what my father has done. His life experience has made me become an even better person than what I was before. Born and raised in the country side of El Salvador, my father, from the day he could start to walk has been working with his brothers, sisters and father and mother to just barley live on their own. He would start his day off by waking up as soon as you can see and start working until you couldn’t see no more. He has been doing that for 13 years of his life. Every day would be a challenge to him because he would perform different task every day that not your average teenager would do here. Living in the same room with 6 of your brothers, with no bed has truly made my father what he is today. At the age of 18, my father made one of the hardest decisions of his life and that was migrating from El Salvador to the United States of America. He started his journey in the United States by buying a flight from California to Boston and that’s when it all began. Coming to Boston, my father did not know what to expect. He didn’t know how to communicate, how to get...
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...From the moment I came up with the idea of wanting to join the military, everyone has asked me, why do you want to join the military? Why do you want to risk your life for others? What is it that inspires you to go Infantry? Why don’t you just live a normal life and go to college? I thought that through over and over in my head, till finally I came up with everything, and found an answer to tell everyone. What I want from the military is to not only put my life in danger for the people of the United States, but to be a hero in my own eyes and my families’ eyes. Some of them will never support your decision on joining, but others will at all times stand behind you through it all. Somebody has to do the job that others either cant or choose to not try in life. If it wasn’t for us, who knows what would happen to this country. I joined for the simple discipline of society to be shown that I can make the hardest task become the simplest task, the most ineffective way of doing anything, to produce it into being the highest efficient way of getting it done. I joined as a kid, to become a man, to be the best at anything and everything, to be taught skills that most people in this world would never learn. I was broken down once I joined; they cut my hair, gave me tags, assigned me a weapon, and said “I will train you to be a Soldier, someone that can withstand the most stress in any situation, to become stronger, not just physically, but mentally, and emotionally as well. I will train you...
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...ones who have lived and ones who are living now, can be considered quintessences of what it is to be positive role-models. Their achievements, attitudes, and actions throughout their lives have helped set an example to the generations to come. Each person has different backgrounds, dreams, and ambitions, yet they still have a way of bringing about change in the world. Take for instance Mother Teresa, whose compassion towards others inspired many of those who had the chance to meet her. Or Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., who stood up for what they believed in, no matter the consequences they faced afterwards. Many of these model figures came from different parts of the globe, and their messages have inspired those all over to bring about positive changes, in...
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...Wan Pediatrician What I Thought I Wanted Doctors are portrayed as one of the most successful professionals in the world. Growing up I was always told that I should become a doctor because they are successful and well off financially. I saw doctors on television, whenever I had an appointment with one and heard about them in school all the time. Becoming a doctor sounded amazing as a child and my parents encouraged me to become a doctor to be successful. I never saw all the work hard that was involved with becoming a doctor, the years of schooling and the tasks that would take place throughout the profession. All I was ever saw and told was doctors were amazing and extremely successful. At the age of eight, I decided I wanted to become a pediatrician just like my doctor, at the time. My mind was set on becoming a pediatrician, so I applied to various universities to become a doctor. I decided to go to California State University of Long Beach to receive a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development. Realization However, two years after attending college I decided I did not want to become a doctor anymore. I learned that after undergraduate school that I still had to attending medical school and would most likely not be out of school until I was approximately thirty years old. I also learned that I did not like blood or needles, so that would not work well with the profession I was trying to pursue. Finally, I realized that my decision to become a pediatrician was not...
Words: 1948 - Pages: 8
...no matter what the situation may be. It is important for a nurse to provide holistic and multidimensional care because every individual and their family and community is different from others. A nurse must have effective communication skills and needs to be able to form interpersonal relationships with her patients and their families. It is very important as a nurse to do what is right even when no one is watching. Also, a nurse promotes illness prevention and health maintenance for their patients, families and communities. I believe a nurse must be fully educated about every aspect of nursing and must continue their education throughout their career because things are always changing in the healthcare field. I believe that for a nurse to be able to provide optimal care, they must be fully educated about all the changes and newest technology in the healthcare field. A nurse needs to be able to work as a team with other nurses and with many other healthcare professionals such as physicians, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, ect. Overall my personal definition of a nurse is, someone who is caring, compassionate, and responsible that provides holistic and multidimensional care for individuals, families, and communities. Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to become a Registered Nurse. Both of my grandmothers were Registered Nurses and when I was younger I was always so interested in what they did as nurses. They would tell me stories about what they did at...
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... 1. What is vice? Vices are your bad or immoral habits. They are the little devil on your shoulder telling you to give into something that is considered to be wrong. Vices are usually represented by Dante Alighieri’s seven deadly sins. These include pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. These seven deadly sins categorize the vices that people are faced with every day. 2. What is virtue? Virtues are the opposite of vices. They are the moral and good habits of people. There are numerous virtues that people show some of which include honesty, responsibility, compassion and many more. Virtues are the driving force behind making the right choice to not only better ourselves but also those around us. 3. How have your virtues changed since coming to Elizabethtown College? I do believe my virtues have changed for the better by coming to Etown. I have become a more compassionate person. In high school I wasn’t really one to get tied up in the issues of others, but here I have changed drastically. I have become more open to others on what issues they are facing and I try to do all that I can to make their situation better. I also believe I have become more self-aware of my life choices more in terms of healthiness. I make a lot of smarter food choices as well as athletic choices and try and get others to do the same. I’ve also become more responsible for my work. I remember in high school I tended to put off my work and studying more than I should...
Words: 435 - Pages: 2
...enjoy doing on a daily basis. However, for this exercise, we are going to ask that you do precisely what we’ve described above and then apply what you’ve experienced and learned to several questions and four ESSENTIAL CORNERSTONES from Chapter 1. PROCESS: Over the course of the next few days, find a song from your least favorite genre. If you are a huge fan of R&B, move away from that genre and choose something from a genre of which you are not particularly fond. You might choose an old country song or a song from rap or bluegrass. If you enjoy listening to “Easy Love Songs,” try something different such as metal or swing. The only stipulation is that the song must have lyrics. You will have to listen to the song several times to answer the questions. HOWEVER, it is important that you read the questions BEFORE you listen to the song—particularly question #2. The key to this exercise is to practice listening with an open mind, listening for content, and listening to words when barriers are in the way (the barrier in this case would be the music itself). * 1. What is the song’s title and artist? The song I chose is titled and Breathe and it is by Faith Hill. * 2. What emotional and mental responses did you have to the song the first time you listened to it? Why do you think you had this response? The first time I listened to it I could feel the love in the song. I had this response based of the heart felt details...
Words: 825 - Pages: 4
...parents constantly asked me what I wanted to be throughout my whole life, but I continually changed my mind until I finally figured out what I wanted to become. I recently chose my dream job when it was time to apply to universities and declare my major. When I was little, my dream job was to become a Doctor. As I grew up, I changed my mind and decided to become an Engineer. I did not want to become an engineer anymore, so then I thought I should major in computer science since I’m good in dealing with technology. After I realized that I hate technology, I had no idea what I was going to major in. Deadlines for college applications were approaching and I still had a blank space under the major’s tab. One day, I had a dentist appointment and as soon as I stepped foot into my dentist’s office, that’s when I knew that this was my calling. The entire atmosphere felt right and also felt like this was my future home....
Words: 744 - Pages: 3
...has become more than just a class, more than just an extracurricular activity. The members of the Force are a part of something very special and I would like to become a section leader In the Force for many reasons. Some of these reasons consist of what band really means to me, why I want to become section leader, things I would like to accomplish as a section leader and some thoughts that would make the band better. What does band mean to me? Band means dedication, commitment, and respect. This band has a reputation and that reputation requires dedication and hard work. Standing out in the parking lot at 9 o'clock in the morning to memorizing drill at 11 o'clock in the beating heat to running the show at 8 o'clock when your body aches, arms are tired and feet are sore, that Is only the beginning but In the end whether we get first or last it is all worth it. Band has become so much more than I ever thought it would be. There are times I think in the back of my mind that I'm just going to quit but honestly I know I won't. I do not know what I would do without band. I have made unbreakable friendships through band. It's amazing what a little music and marching around on a field can do....
Words: 616 - Pages: 3
...goals… I know that being a member of the Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society will be an important part of my life that will last for a lifetime. Alpha Beta Kappa is more than an organization; it means dozens of friendships lasting beyond the college years and hundreds of opportunities for me to benefit from, my college chapter, and my community. I know the purpose of joining ABK is to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to help me develop character. Being a part of this organization will open many doors for me. Alpha Beta Kappa will help set higher standards for me by leading a well-balanced life and following the morals and ideals of the founders. I will continue to be a role model and focus on striving to maintain superior academic success, participating in campus and community service activities, creating memorable student events and developing strong leadership skills. As a student of Stevens-Henager College, I can say that I am truly honored to be nominated as a member of the Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society. What makes me sure that ABK will help me achieve my future goals and that it corresponds to my present ones is that ABK’s main priority is to develop well-trained, ethical, skilled business leaders. Being a senior, majoring in business and accounting, at Stevens-Henager College, makes me realize that I need a source to help me use my knowledge in the right direction with the highest possible effectiveness. My professional goal is to become a certified...
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...Why I Want To Become A Teacher In this paper, I will discuss the reasons why I want to become a teacher. I will address the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations behind my decision. I will also discuss the community impact, my calling or vocation, commitment to students, impact on family, and role modeling. There are approximately 1.5 million Elementary teachers in the United States (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). Why did all of these decide to become teacher's? Some choose this path because of the summer's off and the time they have to spend with their own children and families. Some choose it because of the challenge, everyday is different and presents new things. Some choose it because they love children and want to make a difference in someone's life (Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, 2010). I chose to become a teacher for many different reasons. First is the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, or the reward received and the what is enjoyable about this career. Both for me is seeing the success of the student's. Watching their progression from day one to the last day. Seeing them grow and mature as individuals and seeing their untapped abilities being released. These are my main motivation and what is enjoyable to me about this career. Second is the community impact. I am currently an active member of the Make-A-Wish organization for the Northwest region. I am a wish granter for the organization and specifically work with local families. My involvement...
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...I am a student of business who has studied how people become wealthy throughout the existence of man and one thing I have come down to is this: Becoming wealthy is a state of being and a science. By becoming wealthy you change your character. Anyone can become wealthy, if they have the right amount of discipline, desire, and a way to become rich. I believe if you have enough will and drive, you don’t even need a plan to become rich. As long as you believe it and you can find others who will help you find a way, you can become rich. How can this be? It’s quite simple really. What would a person do if you gave them a million dollars today? Chances are that within a year –or much less –all that money and then some would be gone. Why? Simply because the person you gave it too had no training in how to make more out of it, let alone double it in a matter of weeks. Discipline is a huge key in becoming rich. You have to be willing to tell yourself, “I make X amount of dollars a week doing my job. I need to spend X amount of dollars on food, rent, and miscellaneous expenses. That leaves me with X amount of dollars left over to save to buy the car I want.” However, discipline goes beyond this. A huge key in becoming rich is being financially stable while you work at becoming rich. You have to be able to pay all your debt –to yourself first –and then to everyone else. Let me explain: I read once that the way to become a millionaire is to have desire, drive, a plan, and a financial...
Words: 780 - Pages: 4
...things that you have done or will do to become a good student. What are you willing to sacrafice to be a good student. In life as I went through the education system, I realized that there were three kinds of students. There were the good students, the average students and the bad students. Many people strive to be in the category of the good student, many settle for the category of the average student and some just don’t care so they end up being placed in the category of the bad student. I find that the most important of those categories is the category of the good student. I feel this way because the good student usually accomplish a lot in life and they are usually the successful ones. The average students do what they do, slide by under the radar, and the bad students don’t care, so the just relax for the rest of their lives. I constantly strive to be a good student. Many people have asked me what are the characteristics of a good student, whether I think being a good student is important or not, the things I have done or will do to become a good student, and what will I sacrafice to become a good student. For a while I was puzzled as to what are the characteristics of a good student, but as I sat back, I realized that I was a good student, and that every student has there own mode of operation. They tend to have the same patterns though. First a good student must have dedication and focus. When we have their mind set, they will achieve our goals. Then what I realized is...
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...Parker U.S. Government 10 February 2016 What is Citizenship- Assignment Today I had the privilege to interview my father Clermeus Cinous. He was born in Haiti and he has been living in the United States for 22 years. Q: What inspired you to become a U.S. citizen? A: The reason why I wanted to become a citizen because I didn’t have the ability to show how I felt like for instance voting i didn’t have the advantage to get my opinion across. Q: What steps did you take as parts of the naturalization process? A: The steps I took to become a US citizen was to give fingerprints and pay for service, study the Citizenship book and take frequently in English that way I won’t have a hard responding to the person who are asking me the questions. After the exam I was relief because all my hard work paid off and I went to the Ceremony and swear on a Oath to give up loyalty to other nations and government. Q: How would you describe how you felt about the process? A: I was confident because I studied and I had faith that I was going to pass my Citizen test. Q: How has gaining citizenship changed your life? Is your daily life different because of gaining citizenship? A: It changed my life because I can now vote and let my opinions be known and I can enter my family which are in Haiti much easier Q: Do you feel the process was worthwhile? A: Yes, Im glad I got thru it and I was able to pass all the requirement to become a US citizen Q: If you had to would you do...
Words: 556 - Pages: 3
...What Can We Do About Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Giana Dominguez SCI 214 September 04, 2013 Gloria Young, PhD After reading the information in this assignment and looking at the plot values I honestly still do not understand everything that I read. So I will try to write this summary the best that I possibly can. What I understood from my reading was that antibiotics have been in development over the last eighty years. Antibiotics help fight infections we get from bacteria. Antibiotics come in different classes to fight multiple strains of a bacterial infection (Cummings). I also learned that over the years new antibiotic development has become slower. Over the last eighty years bacteria has become sort of built up immunity to some antibiotics. Not all infections can be treated with the same antibiotics. Sometimes a prescribed antibiotic does not cure an infection. I know this from my own personal experience. I had to have surgery. After the surgery I had gotten an infection and was given an antibiotic. The infection I had was resistant to the type of antibiotic that I was given. The antibiotic actually made my infection worse. The symptoms I felt at the beginning of my infection caused me so much more pain. I had to be put on a different class of antibiotic. The second antibiotic I was given was stronger and it was hopefully supposed to cure my infection. The new antibiotic cured the infection I had gotten but I had developed another infection and had to be put on...
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