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What Is a Good Source


Submitted By Hamilton
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What is a Good Resource? University Of Phoenix


June 22, 2010

What is a Good Resource? In preparation of writing an assessment for Lotus Rental Car’s CFO regarding the incorporation of alternative fuel vehicles to the fleet, legitimate references have been reviewed to ensure the best information and research for the analysis. The information provided by the selected resources shows research related to alternative fuel, cost, and the type of vehicles available in this market. Additionally, a conclusion has been made that a good resource has a credible author, appropriate information that has been properly researched, information that touches on the opposition, may review trial and error, and is a date relevant to the topic being discussed. Statistics and figures are critical when making an assessment. Using the website provides reliable information regarding gas mileage for alternative fuel vehicles and can be used to compare regular gas vehicles with eco-friendly vehicles. Information on this website is provided by the federal government, who conducts research and provides statistics that accurately states the facts and includes the con’s of purchasing alternative fuel vehicles. The Fuel Economy Website also provides information on various vehicles that are available along with comparisons and facts about current alternatives, such as Ethanol, Biodiesel, Natural Gas, Propane, and Hydrogen. goes on to discuss electric cars that should also be considered when comparing new energy efficient technology. The web page gives tax incentives information, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon foot prints, and life cycles of these different vehicles which will be valuable information to the assessment. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010) An additional website, AOL Autos, provides comprehensive information on new hybrid vehicles. The research portion of the web site allows for comparisons of manufactures, modern vehicle technology, and styles of cars. Although similar to the previous resource, this website provides feedback and a perspective from a business or corporate standpoint, rather than the government. It is important to see an issue or task from several points of view. (AOL Auto, 2010) Lastly, in the Wall Street Journal, a distinguished and responsible newspaper; author Gwendolyn Bonds wrote an article in 2006 discussing the trial and error of other companies who have used alternative fuel vehicles. The information in this article is crucial to Team A research because it provides a direct correlation between companies who have chosen to support alternative fuel and those who do not. This article has an appropriate date and deals with current technology. This article also touches on the financial aspect of using alternative fuel vehicles. (Bounds, 2006) Reliable resources can make an outstanding paper. Persuading or convincing someone is always possible if the right information is presented. Any dishonesty or facts deemed inaccurate discredits the writer and can have a devastating outcome. To achieve excellent results requires researching not only the topic, but the authors providing the research. Up-to-date information and relevant knowledge also make for a good resource.


Aol Auto.(2010). Retrieved June 21, 2010, from

Bounds, G., (2006, July 11). Hybrids Fuel Rental Agency's Fast Ride. Wall Street

Journal (Eastern Edition), p. B.1. Retrieved June 18, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global.

(Document ID: 1074885321).

U.S. Department of Energy. (2010). Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Retrieved June 18, 2010, from

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