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What Is Addiction


Submitted By luwhit
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What is Addiction?

Addiction is a condition in which a person is unable, without help, to stop from repeating a harmful behavior. While the behavior may not itself be harmful, it is the extent to which the behavior is repeated, as the “using episodes” become more frequent, intense, and severe over time. Typically the behaviors associated with an addiction become physically and psychologically harmful to the person doing them, and often to others as well. The compulsion to repeat the behavior is often accompanied by thoughts which drive the person to continue the behavior, despite them having objective knowledge that the behavior should not be done. The consequences of the addictive behavior usually become more and more serious over time too.

The disease model of addiction explains the physical changes in the brain that occur as a result of a person who behaves in an addictive manner. Research has shown that there are biochemical pathways which clearly account for the effects that an addictive behavior or substance has on the body. There are specific chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which are released in the brain as a result of an addiction and these chemicals, such as dopamine, have been found to cause predictable reactions in the way the person experiences extreme pleasure. The addict, however, feels more intensely than a non-addicted person would feel in the similar experience. As a result of this powerful and pleasant sensation, addicts are driven to repeat the behavior, such as consuming an addictive substance, over and over, with no ability to stop. The addict might even “know” that they should stop, but the memories and pleasure that have come to be associated with the addiction overpower their ability to act on reason. The part of the brain which tries to impart reason and logic, the prefrontal cortex, is hijacked by the pleasure part of the brain known as the limbic system.

To illustrate the points discussed above, let us consider the case of an alcoholic. This person will drink alcohol at times, in amounts, and in situations that become harmful to himself and others. He might drink excessively, for example, before getting in a car to drive somewhere. He might drink more than he had intended to drink, and he might drink at times that he told himself he wouldn’t, such as in the morning before leaving for work. When he is not drinking, he might spend much of his time thinking about drinking and planning ways to obtain alcohol. Or he might spend a lot of time recovering from the effects of having consumed too much alcohol. These behaviors occur because the alcoholic has lost the ability to control his behavior. Many, if not all, aspects of an alcoholic’s life will be affected by his addiction. He may not be able to maintain meaningful relationships and commitments, such as work or school, will be put aside to accommodate his alcoholic drinking. His physical health may suffer significantly. He may suffer the physical symptoms of withdrawal when he doesn’t drink. He may even have seizures. Left to his own, this alcoholic will likely continue to drink until he dies or ends up in jail. Even with concern voiced by love ones, even facing serious legal consequences, it is very difficult for him to understand that he is in the grips of a serious and deadly disease.

The alcoholic will continue to follow the pathway towards pleasure and away from pain, but in reality, his addiction is creating a far more painful existence as his disease worsens. The only hope for saving someone from addiction is to intervene in a meaningful way. The intervention could be in the form of care and concern from loved ones, it could be the result of serious legal issues such as an arrest and jail time, or it could be the wake up call resulting from serious medical complications. Such forms of interventions serve to interrupt the addict from their behavior, but are by no means the end of the road. In fact, there is no cure for addiction. Addiction is a disease, and because it is chronic and progressive in nature, it is essentially always lurking in the shadows, waiting to take its addict hostage. Without a vigorous program of recovery, including treatment, mental health therapy, 12 step meetings and step work with a sponsor and sponsees, fellowship, prayer, meditation, and service, addiction can become reactivated again at any time during an addict’s life. It only needs for the addict to lose sight of the importance of his recovery, to become complacent, for it to take ahold again.

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