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What Is Are


Submitted By laxplayer1394
Words 500
Pages 2
Art History

What is art? Art is everything, its human’s way of creative expression. Every person has a different perspective on what art is. Art takes all different forms such as music, poetry, food, painting, graffiti and photography. It can be human made or produced by nature. A simple painting on canvas is what comes to mind for most when asked about art, but it is far more complex then that.
Graffiti is a form of art that we see all the time when we go to the city or just driving in our cars. Many people do not consider this an art form because they don’t know who made it and graffiti is associated with vandalism and crime. The people that did graffiti murals on the walls of community housing in Philadelphia they are professional artists that view their murals as they’re from of artistic expression.
Music is another form of art. Every person make art with music such as singing a song in your car on the way to school or a street performer playing music on the corner. Instead of painting they put their art in words by the way of songs. The artist spend months even years putting an album together going over every last detail to make sure it is perfect but it is the art of practicing that got them to be the successful artist that they are. To experience this form of art you have to hear it instead of interpreting it with you eyes.
Photography is another from of art that is extremely subjective to the person taking the picture. These days everyone is a photographer we all have cameras on our phones and with the use of instagram everyone of can make a picture look like professional art. They can be taking pictures of the nature, people or just capturing memories such as a beautiful sunset or a family photo.
Food is very similar to art because like art it comes from all over the world, each with a different taste, recipe or technique to make it. When you do

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