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What Is Special Education


Submitted By lynn45
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Running head: Weekly Journal 2

Weekly Journal 2
Patty Daniel
Grand Canyon University
SPE 526 Educating Learners with Diverse Needs
September 14, 2010

Introduction What is special education? Special education means specially designed individualized program or service to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. The steps in the special education process starts with a referral. Students suspected of having a disability are referred to a multidisciplinary team to determine eligibility for services. Then, the committee arranges for an evaluation of the student’s abilities and needs. Based on evaluation results, the committee decides if the student is eligible to receive special education services and programs. Next, if the child is eligible to receive special education services, the committee develops and implements an appropriate IEP, based on evaluation results, to meet the needs of the student. The committee must determine the student’s placement, ensuring that services are provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Unless the student’s IEP requires some other arrangement, placement must be close as possible to the student’s home. The IEP is reviewed on an annual basis and reevaluation is conduct at least once every three years to revise IEP and services.
The Five Key Points The key points in the text reading are as follow: 1. A description of the special education process. 2. A discussion of the three modes of collaboration and the three models for teaming. 3. A brief description of the IEP components. 4. The importance of the least restrictive environment and inclusion setting. 5. The roles and rights of parents in their child’s special education process. How might I apply this content to a classroom and instruction? As a special educator teaching in an inclusion classroom, the most important thing for

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