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What Is Worldview


Submitted By mademoney2
Words 608
Pages 3
Erik Ellis
What is Christian Worldview?
A worldview is a set of assumptions and beliefs that someone uses to interpret and make opinions about his humanity, morals in life, goals in the world, responsibilities to family, relief the of truth, and social issues. Every individual in the world has a worldview. A Christian should show all these things, guided by the light that is spread upon them by the Bible.
A Biblical worldview starts with the policy that God has created all in the world and is the commander and chief and He rules over it dominantly. He is not a part of creation, and He also concurs the goodness of what He has created (Gen 1:31, 1Tim 4:4-5.) Some important aspects of creation are that God confirms the goodness of physical reality. Also mankind (male and female) is made in God’s image and is the crown of creation. Genesis 1:27 says that man was created in the image of God. Mankind has dignity because man has been made in God’s view, and though fallen, we still retain that perception (Gen 9:6.) From the creation account in Genesis we find what our purpose is. We are called to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, in everything we do, as image bearers living in a covenant relationship with our Creator-God. To glorify God is man showing the greatness of God’s creation, the climax of which is man in God’s image. However, we are not only to glorify God, but also to appreciate Him for who He is, John 17:3 sums up the point of life to know God. Although mankind was created good spirits, according to Romans 5:12-14 sin entered the world through one man, Adam. Though, man has fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); the very glory he was chosen for, as explained above. While this means that humans are set on a track to disobey, there remains important knowledge by which they can know right from wrong. That ultimate prevailing

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