Premium Essay

What Makes a Good Project Manager


Submitted By jlmotes79
Words 909
Pages 4
What Makes a Good Project Manager?

Introduction What makes a good project manager? When evaluating this question we can start by breaking the question down, and stripping some key words in it. In this case, the words project, and the word manage, by doing this we are able to start arriving at some assumptions. The Project Management Body of Knowledge defines a project as such: “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (Project Management Institute, 2008, p. 442). The word Manager most all of us can define this ourselves. It is someone in charge, a leader, a “shot caller”, descion maker, or thorn in our side. In answering the several question asked at the end of our reading assignment this week, we will be looking at what makes a good project manager, as well as problems they may face.
In Answering Chapter Questions Characteristics listed in our text of a perspective list of a project manager consist of, “aggressiveness, confidence, poise, decisiveness, resolution, entrepreneurship, toughness, integrity, versatility, multidisciplinary, and quick thinking” (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). This list seems to be pretty extensive and no way could one person ever amount to all of these. Successful project managers will most defiantly have some of this if not most of these attributes. However, they can be a bit more simplified, and focused. Project Managers are great forecasters and projectors; they can operate ten steps ahead of the process. They are proactive and very seldom reactive. They are able to “to anticipate and head off problems that can jeopardize deadlines, budgets, and user acceptance” (CIO, 2014). Without the ability to project and foresee obstacles, Project Managers can find themselves in a bind often and swiftly. Project Managers are Masters of organization! This is no field for the sporadically disorganized.

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