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What Makes My Stereotypes

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Coming from a interracial family, I have had to overcome challenges that others around may not have had to face. Falling into a category or stereotype are things that have attempted to hinder my path. My motivation to be successful and receive a good education allowed me to decide which path I would take. My path usually draws me to said situations. I savor the times where my surprising conviviality makes me stand out and experience opportunities in a whole new light. My contrasting personality makes me notable, someone to remember ,and never to forget. It wasn't always that I strived for difference. There was a point where I'd get lost in the crowd with all the other kids who had no passion to lead. Taking the route they did only because everyone else did, or because "it's what you're supposed to do right?" They questioned. I was always an outsider, especially at home. The only male, the middle child, only one who valued education. Looking …show more content…
As I started my Freshman year of highschool I was comforted to learn that there are people like me; deviators that make their own path doing what they enjoy. These people, are those that do not let the opinions of others alter who they are. For example my best friend, was challenged with some of the same problems as me, such and anxious. He also was insecure of his weight and outer appearances. As our friendship strengthened we became closer and I was able to witness his effort to lose weight, this exhibited to me that I too could also work on myself. This influential relationship taught me that there are other way than the ones set in stone to be successful. You could take an alternate rode, a road you want. This friendship taught me that if was the road you accelerated most in then you were on the right path, your path to success. It was time to start being the person I learnt to be from these people, my

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