...What makes an effective leader? Discuss different qualities. Leadership is a process that helps a group of people to achieve their goals. Each of us has certain criteria of what characteristics an effective leader should possess. However, different people have different opinions about leadership and the qualities which make the leader effective. On the one hand, there are people who believe that effective leaders are born with those qualities and have big potential to become effective leaders in the future. On the other hand, there are people who think that leadership is something which can be learned. They believe that we all have the leadership potential, just as we all have the ability to run. Some people may be better than others, but each of us has a starting point to build on with training and practice. In my opinion there are four important qualities that any effective leader posses and I discuss each one of them separately below. Firstly, a ‘must’ for anyone aiming to become an effective leader is his/her knowledge. The knowledge in your field of work is essential because the more specialized you are the more you will be able to solve the problems you encounter on every-day basis and be able to guide your subordinates appropriately. Moreover, a general knowledge is always an advantage to you and your work as a leader. This is because, whatever your work is, being able to run a meeting, determine the goals and the objectives of your organization is something you...
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...nations and cultures. The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings—verbal, listening, nonverbal, and written—f or accurately transferring and exchanging information. The teams competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support, and lead groups to achieve goals. The change competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies, structures, or technologies. Vyomesh Joshi was the executive vice president of Hewlett-Packard Company's Imaging and Printing Group. Joshi is an effective leader in terms of the seven competencies -I discovered his teams competency by reading that he serves as the executive sponsor for all HP operations and initiatives in India and is a member of...
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...An Effective Leader Being an effective leader means different things to different people. While researching this topic, I found that lots of the articles about effective leaders include some of the same key factors. According to Hill, “Some say great leaders are born, not made. And while there are some born leaders, many more have honed their leadership skills through extensive practice (Hill, 2009, p. 1).” I, personally, agree with that statement. I think that some leaders are born that way, but most people that are leaders are trained and taught to be that way. Leadership success always starts with vision. Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my areas of weakness, and what do I dislike doing?” ("Three Fundamentals," 2009). Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human. Effective leaders lead by example and merely invite others to come along with them (Kerfoot, 2012). Keeping promises is another sign of effective leadership. They believe in others and never fail to reward...
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...Healthy Work Environment Standards: Effective Decision Making Macy Gregory Florida State University Effective Decision Making While there are many factors that contribute to successful leadership and management, being able to effectively make individual and group decisions is the major action that defines who a leader is, what a leader does, and what a leader can accomplish for his or her organization. A successful organization must have effective leaders, and effective leaders must be able to make important decisions in a timely fashion. In order to achieve this, leaders must first possess essential qualities and characteristics, know different approaches to decision making, and overcome any difficulties during the process to make decisions that influence organizational approach and ultimately define their success. Managers and leaders are held accountable for the decisions they make, how those decisions were determined, and what data were collected and analyzed. In making decisions, leaders/managers must have a degree of adaptability so that options can be considered and made flexible (Smith, 2013, p. 1435). Employees rely on leaders/managers to make timely decisions. A leader/manager must be able to take ownership of their decisions. Although managers can delegate particular tasks, they ultimately take responsibility for the outcome. There are different types of managers. Some are cautious and prefer to analyze problems carefully, even routine ones, before taking...
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...you are but what you do determines Effective Leadership Jonah Levy Leadership is an Importance and vital characteristic that many do carry within them. Many people believe it is who you are the shows what type of leader a person may be. Is it the status of wealth, power, and looks? It is not what your wealth but what you do as a leader that will make you a leader of men. It is the decisions that someone makes in confidence that will show your true leadership quality. It is those importance decisions that someone makes and how they engage it. A action centered leadership role is what will help those in leadership and those wanting to become effective leaders. John Adair proposed a model in 1973 on what a leadership role should have looked like. He argued that it is not who you are but what you do will establish you as a leader. He believed that leaders should balance the behavior needs of task, team, and the individual within a diagram he created and the center of that diagram was the best approach to balancing those needs. Under the behavior task circle a leader had to provide clear objectives, provide appropriate procedures, evidence of progress, and deadlines are being met. A leader’s behavior under team a leader should commitment, trust& openness, sense of purpose, stability, and fun. Last a leader’s behavior under individual should be to include, make contribution, to be respected, receive feedback, feel safe, and grow. Adair believe if a leader carried out...
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...Are Leaders Born or Made? For centuries people have debated whether leaders are born or made. Several decades ago researchers started trying to answer the question. The debate goes on, even though we know the answer. It turns out to be a little of both. Leaders are sort of born and they're always made. Knowing the details will help you develop effective leaders for your company. Leaders are Sort of Born It seems like there's only one thing that a person needs to actually be born with in order to be a leader later in life. That's intelligence. A leader needs to be smart enough. Effective leaders aren't necessarily the smartest people in the room or the company or even on the team. But they have to be smart enough to do the job they're assigned. What's more important is what kind of person the potential leader is when he or she becomes an adult. The person who emerges from adolescence into young adulthood has the psychological and character traits they'll demonstrate for the rest of their life. Some of those matter for leadership. By the time a person becomes an adult we can tell if they can help other people achieve results. That, after all, is what we expect leaders to do. We expect them to achieve success through a group. We expect them to help their subordinates grow and develop. By the time a person becomes an adult, we can tell if they want to achieve objectives or if they just want to go along and take it easy. We expect leaders to be responsible for achieving results...
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...among people. The term connotes images of powerful, dynamic individuals who command victorious armies, direct corporate empires from atop gleaming skyscrapers, or shape the course of nations. The exploits of brave and clever leaders are the essence of many legends and myths. Much of our description of history is the story of military, political, religious, and social leaders who are credited or blamed for important historical events, even though we do not understand very well how the events were caused or how much influence the leader really had. The widespread fascination with leadership may be because it is such a mysterious process, as well as one that touches everyone's life. Why did certain leaders(e.g., Gandhi, Mohammed, Mao Tse-tung) inspire such intense fervor and dedication how did certain leaders (e.g., Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great) build great empires? Why did some rather undistinguished people (e.g., Adolf Hitler, Claudius Caesar) rise to positions of great power' Why were certain leaders (e.g .• Winston Churchill. Indira Gandhi) suddenly deposed, despite their apparent power and record of successful accomplishments? Why do some leaders have loyal followers who are willing to sacrifice their lives, whereas other leaders are so despised that subordinates conspire to murder them? 1.1 Definition of Leadership There are various definition of leadership. Among all definition some are given below: • Leadership is "the behavior of an individual, ...
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...What Team Leaders Need to Know Article Critique Caminiti, S., & Sookdeo, R. (1995). What Team Leaders Need to Know. Fortune, 131(3), 93-100. The author states that leadership behaviors can be learned. Further, the author uses personal experiences of others to clarify this point. Moreover, these skills needed to become an effective leader can be developed overtime through experiences. More importantly, they note that there are six things every leader needs to know. Successful leaders emerge over time by learning the knowledge and skills needed to become an effective leader. The authors share with readers six things all leaders must know. Further, he states that the knowledge and skills needed to become an effective leader can be learned. The article stated that companies expect managers to transform overnight into effective team leaders. But companies fail to realize that becoming an effective leader is a difficult process. These skills that leaders need are developed through experiences. One thing noted by the authors is that leaders who lack technical skills doesn’t make them an ineffective leader. Additionally, a team leader is not expected to have the technical expertise other team members possess to be a good leader. The job of the leader is to make sure they have the necessary tools and skills needed in order to accomplish the task successfully. Another key point they make is a team leader must know when to step in and make the right decisions. ...
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...are made such as that person is a leader: let's elect him or that person needs to be in charge (Sergiovanni, 2008). For this reason, ideas related to developing effective leaders or describing the qualities of an effective leader is constantly tossed back and forth and there is a lot of uncertainty. The questions that should be asked are: What makes an effective leader? What is the role of management in an organization? This is indeed a tough question. Context plays a key role in deciding whether certain approaches to leadership will be effective or not regarding the role that management plays in an organization. Thus, what a leader says and does to be effective in one kind of enterprise may look different in another. It depends on whether it is experienced in a legislature, on a battlefield, at a rally, on a factory floor, or in a school district (Johnson, 1996). As we look closer in the role of management in an organization we can see that effective leadership in today's society is being utilized throughout schools, churches, and technological enterprises. One example of proper leadership can be seen in the technological enterprise of Apple. Apple’s mission is not only to make money but to change the way individuals’ learn. The reason that Apple constantly shares with other enterprises is common managerial requirements that insure basic levels of organizational purpose, competence, reliability, structure, and stability. However, the leaders within these organizations must...
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...past seven weeks. I will discuss what my former opinions were and what my ideas have transformed into after researching and explaining what makes a good leader and follower. Philosophy will also be discussed in detail and what I believe the actions one must take to achieve their goals. In this paper, I will also be discussing what my strengths are as a follower and a leader and where I still need to develop in both areas. Definitions of Leadership and Followership There are many ways to define what leadership and followership are. In Eddy and VanDerLinden’s (2006), they explain that...
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...Contents ODT Map 3 What Makes an Effective Leader? 4 Communication 4 Motivation 5 Vision 5 Decisiveness 5 Leadership Behavior 6 Scenario 1: One-on-One 6 Born or Made 8 The Team Consensus 9 Appendix A: Leadership Traits 11 Appendix B: References 12 ODT Map As shown above, the Outcome-Directed Thinking (ODT) is a way for an organization and or an individual to be able to work together towards a common objective. ODT was created for leaders to get things done by effectively utilizing its resources and motivating its employees to reach its objectives. To do this, we have created an ODT map to create an action plan and accomplish our team objectives. This plan is designed as a motivational plan of action to accomplish our positive outcome statement “Create the most complete and convincing paper about leadership qualities”. What Makes an Effective Leader? If you ask an individual what makes an effective leader, more often than not you will probably not receive exactly the same answer. Everybody interprets this question differently; it could be due to past experiences or knowledge you have acquired during your career of what a leader should be. One of the most debatable questions regarding leadership is, is a leader born or made? We will reveal this later in the discussion, but what we can say is there are so many traits mentioned when defining a leader. We have decided that these below make a significant impact on leadership and what it takes to be defined...
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...depends on the abilities of our leaders and how well they can do their jobs. To me, a leader is someone that many people look to for direction, guidance, and inspiration. It is important for our leaders to have the aptitude to make difficult decisions, to know and do what is right for the people. A higher authority is crucial for supervising and regulating others as well as being an example of a hard and dedicated worker. Ciulla (2004) believes ethics is the heart of leadership and a good leader is ethical and effective. In this paper I analyze the importance of personal ethics in leadership and how ethics produce effective leaders. The traits’ I believe an effective leader has is; character, competence, compassion, courage, and to be open to change. Throughout this paper the reader will develop an understanding of what is personally required to become an ethical and effective leader. Ethical Leader Traits Leadership is a relationship between people. Therefore, the ability to ethically influence others is a major determination of effective leadership (Waggoner, 2010). Strong Personal Character is possibly the most important characteristic of a leader. A person’s true character is who they are when they are put in a difficult situation. It is the decisions and the morality of a leader that gives them the respectable character that others look to follow. It is essential for a leader to have character because a leader needs the ability to see what others cannot, the sacrifices...
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...there is an overwhelming plethora of books, academic journals, periodicals, and scientific studies dedicated to this very topic seeking to understand the makings of an effective leader. Research performed in the late 70’s by leadership expert, James M. Burns, moved the institution of leadership beyond the flawed wisdom of identifying leaders based solely upon those who seemingly possessed the ‘traits of effective leaders’. In actuality there are a specific integration of concepts that need to be in play beyond the archaic characters traits to be deemed an effective leader. For this reason organizations should seek to understand what makes a leader effective such as the leader’s level of power and more importantly his ability to wield that power to influence and motivate fellow employees. This paper serves to discuss the difference between the highly effective leader and the less effective leader, beginning with endorsements from respected leadership experts, followed by my personal leadership experience, and concluding with Scholarly Framework The plethora of research on studies seeking to discover the specificity of what makes an effective leader has given rise to the discovery of distinct behavioral characteristics that collectively form an effective leader. One doesn’t automatically become an effective leader because of a promotion to a lead position, it is realized through achieving a delicate balance of leadership concepts in regards to power, the ability to influence...
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...What Effective Leadership Means Abstract Being an effective leader takes work. It involves an individual to lead with tenacity, integrity and have the ability to evolve as an individual. Not all leaders are effective however; it is still possible for them to run a successful organization. How? My paper will describe the skills and work it takes to evolve as an effective leader and show that you do not necessarily have to be in a leadership position to exhibit qualities of an effective leader. I will also outline this by utilizing sources and examples that describe and express the abilities needed to be an effective leader. These skills should encourage and sustain an organizational culture where employees are valued, creative and increase productivity. These core competencies will also communicate a clear objective, vision and goals for the future of an organization. What Effective Leadership Means Effective leadership is an evolving process where he or she continues to empower, coach and encourage staff at all levels. It encompasses dynamic charisma that showcases skills, knowledge and common sense that leads the organization to achieve its goals and uphold the mission statement. Merriam-Webster Dictionary define Leadership as " a position as a leader of a group, organization etc." "The power or ability to lead other people", but the power is in the combined definition with effective. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Effective as "producing a result that...
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...find a lot of different opinions about what makes an effective leader; however almost everyone agrees on the definition of leadership: Effective Leadership is the ability to get things done through other people. To break it down, there are two things that are required in order for someone to be an effective leader. 1. Things must get done John Maxwell, a guru in leadership, says “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” A true leader needs to be able to influence people to get the job done. If the individual has a group and tells them what to do, but does the work himself or the work doesn’t get done at all – then the person is obviously not an effective leader. 2. Group Cohesion Another aspect of effective leadership is keeping the group together. An individual might be able to get the job done and get it done well by being abrasive and snapping orders left and right, but I’ll guarantee that the group will be quickly handing out their resumes or looking for a new group to work with. Leadership is a complicated process by which an individual influences a group to accomplish a mission, task, or reach a goal that moves the organization forward in a way that the organization becomes more cohesive. The individual does this by applying leadership attributes such as values, personal character, knowledge and skills. Most of us want to be thought of as an effective leader. The question on our minds is; what makes someone a leader? Bernard Bass* states that there are...
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