...WARS NATO After the WW II States of Western Europe and North America watched the expensive policy of the USSR. They found out that the Russian system, especially the dictatorship of the Communist Party, could become dangerous for independent democratic states. This threat stengthened with the events of years 1947-1949 (the putch in Czechoslovakia in February 1948, blockade of Berlin in April 1948). In March 1948 Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the UK signed the TREATY OF BRUSSELS. By this act they decided to build up a system of collective security defence. The negotiation about establishing the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION was started with the USA and Canada. The Five Brussels‘ states also invited Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Norway and Portugal to participate in these talks. On April 4, 1949 the TREATY OF WASHINGTON was signed and so the states founded the collective security system. In 1952 Greece and Turkey entered NATO. The Federal Republic of Germany joined in 1955, Spain in 1982. In July 1997 three Middle European states were appealed to enter. They were the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland and they entered in 1999. Since the foundation the main interest of NATO has been to ensure the security of the member states. In the Washington Treaty it is said that a military attack against one of the member states is against all of them. Nowadays NATO cooperates with many East and Middle European countries in the field of safety. NATO also participates...
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...fossil fuels are a one-time gift that lifted us up from subsistence agriculture and should eventually lead us to a future based on renewable resources." Kenneth Deffeyes (2001) "I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that." — Thomas Edison, 1931 We cannot create or destroy energy. We can only capture it. The sun provides either directly or indirectly nearly all of the energy available to us. Plants capture solar energy directly through photosynthesis. Fossil fuels contain the energy of sunlight captured hundreds of millions of years ago. Photovoltaic (PV) cells also capture sunlight energy directly. Other energy sources capture the energy of sunlight indirectly. Heat from the sun powers the flowing air and water. We usually capture the kinetic energy of wind and water by using turbines that transfer the energy to an alternator, an electrical generator that produces alternating current. Geothermal energy is different in that it captures flowing heat energy produced by radioactive decay in the earth’s interior. In this chapter we will see that Wind, Water, and Sun (WWS) energy sources are sustainable because they are renewable, clean, safe, and nearly carbon-free. Although they have low energy densities, meaning that they require large areas of land or water to produce energy, they are sufficient to meet the energy needs of the US and many other countries. Perhaps the greatest...
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...Emory 2 in Atl Healthcare lanta, reflecte on the pro ed ogress of the computerize provider o ed order entry sy ystem ntation. (CPOE)3 implemen mory Healthcare’s CPOE p project, a vital cog in a $50 million elect 0 tronic medica record initi al iative, Em began in 2007. Tw years late CPOE we “live” at Emory Univ n wo er, ent versity Orthop paedics and Spine Hospi ital, Emory University Ho U ospital, and W Wesley Woods Hospital i a staged r in rollout.4 Whil Dr. le Borns stein felt good about how t implemen d the ntation had gone thus far, as he looked ahead next m month to July 13, 2009, th fast approa he aching go-live date for Em e mory University Hospital M Midtown (EU UHM) (Exhib 1), Dr. Bornstein thou bit B ught about t the challenge and possib perils tha lay ahead. He es ble at consid dered what additional act a tions he shou take, if an to prepare for go-live a Midtown, a uld ny, e at and if Midto own was read for CPOE a all. One thing was certa this hospi was differ dy at ain; ital rent. Indu ustry Back kground In the 1980’s an 1990’s, several highly in nd nfluential stud revealed that medical...
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...TIDBITS OF MY LIFE AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Ray Jablonski As one grows older and ponders the past one cannot help but wonder what legacy will dwell. Thus, I shall write about the things in my life, big and small that my descendants may wish to know about and perhaps keep in their memory as well. So I shall begin with the earliest history of my life with the ends and odds of the important things I can recall. These tidbits should reveal what my whole life was all about. Perhaps the luckiest and most important day of my life was 6 p.m. on 7 November 1921 (7/11/21), the day I was born. It happened to be that I was the seventh child of thirteen siblings, right smack in the middle. My mother's name was Florence Amelia. It so happened that she was the thirteenth child of her parents, the Zbrowski's. My Zbrowski grandparents were born and married in the western German occupied area of Poland. They had several children there and migrated the family to Reading, Pennsylvania in 1879. Florence, my mother, was born there on 19 March 1890. She had six brothers and six sisters. She was very fortunate to have received a good Catholic education and graduated from Common School (eighth grade), which was quite an achievement for a female during the turn of the last century. She was bilingual and could read and write both Polish and English. Her father was a successful tailor and a proprietor of a local saloon at...
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...the concepts of strategy translate into an easily recognisable, real-world context. Follow up on the recommended readings at the end of each chapter. They’re specially selected as accessible and valuable sources that will enhance your learning and give you an extra edge in your course work. KEY CONCEPT AUDIO SUMMARY ● ● Also, look out for the Key Concepts and Audio Summary icons in the text, which direct you to the website at www.pearsoned.co.uk/fos* where you can ● Check and reinforce your understanding of key concepts using self-assessment questions, audio summaries and interactive exercises, and Revise key terms using electronic flashcards and a glossary in 6 languages. ● We want Fundamentals of Strategy to give you what you need: a clear and concise...
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...sources to examine the major issues and events in the history of globalization. Globalization: A Basic Text is a substantial introductory textbook, designed to work either on its own or alongside Readings in Globalization. The books are cross-referenced and are both structured around the core concepts of globalization. 2009 • 608 pages • 978-1-4051-3271-8 • paperback www.wiley.com/go/globalization Readings in Globalization Key Readings and Major Debates Edited by George Ritzer and Zeynep Atalay This unique and engaging anthology introduces students to the major concepts of globalization within the context of the key debates and disputes. Readings in Globalization illustrates that major debates in the field are not only useful to examine for their own merit but can extend our knowledge of globalization. The volume explores both the political economy of globalization and the relationship of culture to globalization. The volume is designed so it may be used independently, or alongside George Ritzer’s Globalization: A Basic Text for a complete student resource. 2010 • 560 pages • 978-1-4051-3273-2 • paperback Order together and save! Quote ISBN 978-1-4443-2371-9 GLOBALIZATION THE ESSENTIALS GEORGE RITZER A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication This edition first published 2011 © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Edition history: portions of this text appeared in Globalization: A Basic Text (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) Wiley-Blackwell is an imprint of John Wiley & Sons, formed by the merger...
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...1 of 17 Xianghui(Ray) Chen 2153583 China and Global Financial Crisis US-Led TPP VS China-Backed RCEP —Applying Main IR Theories To US Policy-Making Process And Relevant Developments The backdrop of the TPP and RCEP WTO and TPP TPP and TTIP are drawn from the two precedent successful free-trade experiments, the EU and NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement). EU originated from the European Coal and Steel Community, before developing into the Common Market and further into European Community, and finally, into the EU. 1The ‘living’, ‘evolving’ treaties and agreements of the EU very much guide the living agreement of TPP/TTIP. NAFTA originated from CUSFTA (Canada-US FTA), which was implemented in 1989, and followed by NAFTA, ratified in 1994. Both EU and NAFTA existed before the WTO finally replaced GATT at the beginning of 1995. The replacement not only greatly expanded sectoral coverage but also replaced the GATT’s quite weak dispute-settlement mechanism.2 The liberalization and integration of trade had mainly proceeded under the auspice of WTO prior to the year 2000. With the evolvement characterized by the widening of the trade agenda to include the movement of people and not just that of goods, services, investments and capital,3 international society called for an update of the WTO. Although the Doha round did inspire some discussion in 2001, developing states fundamentally refused to open their market to the services and goods of the developed ones...
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...july ‘10 ISSuE 186 • £3.95 reader prOfIleS artISt prOfIleS Goldilocks u gu Mick Squires anD The BanK roBBer s Korpus TaTToos th-8 fr ns e i id e ww.tatt tw o o j a A Xed Lehead & Mad Alan Divine Canvas evil From The neeDle m th .uk 6t h-8t hA .co . .co su e e Jeff Ortega we highlight some of the gifted artists working tattoo jam 2010 REGULARS: Fall out ‘news & reviews’ | inkoming | Tattoo Tour | Conventions | personals | Jobs | For sale gu h st t h is a is m www.tat to o wi t Tommi Ink & Iron SKI N SHOWS no regreTs u j Birmingham usa tatto o 2010 tat toos a form of self-harm? you decide 9 770966 435048 San Jose www.jazzpublishing.co.uk • 07 Please mention Skin Deep when responding to adverts. GEnEral EnquIrIES Jazz Publishing, The Old School, Higher Kinnerton, Chester, CH4 9AJ, UK. 01244 663400 www.skindeep.co.uk EdItor Neil Dalleywater email: editor@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 212 art EdItor Gareth Evans email: gareth@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 204 productIon manaGEr Justine Hart email: production@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 235 accountS & admIn manaGEr Emma McCrindle email: accounts@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 207 admInIStratIon Jan Schofield email: jan@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 219 Katie-Marie Challinor email: katie@jazzpublishing...
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...What is Microbiology? Microbiology is the study of organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye. Originally, emphasis was placed on harmful micro organisms which cause disease or spoilage of beverages and food, but it is now recognized that many microbes have essential roles in our ecosystem or can be used to accomplish beneficial tasks. Human history is full of examples of major devastations caused by bacteria and viruses. Some of these historically important diseases still occur, such tuberculosis and yellow fever. Microorganisms are evolving to cause new infectious disease problems such as Lyme disease and AIDS, which capture public attention. Control and eradication of infectious diseases remain important goals of many microbiologists. The recognition that microorganisms were responsible for what was earlier thought to be "spontaneous generation" opened the door to industrial (pharmaceutical, chemical, energy) and food microbiology, technologies which contribute substantially to today's way of life. Microorganisms in soil and water are essential in the transformation of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and iron to products needed by plants and animals. In various ways, microbes participate in environmental cycling and degradation and global change. In the last few decades, microorganisms have been recognized as ideal model systems for the study of basic biological processes. More recently, microbiologists have brought an exciting dimension to the study of biology...
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...INFOANALYTICA FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS SUMMER INTERNSHIP REPORT ANANDARUP GHOSHAL 2008 ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL, AHMEDABAD SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS IBS AHMEDABAD 2|Page SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORT PROJECT AREA: FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS FACULTY GUIDE: PROF. AMIT SARASWAT COMPANY NAME: INFOANALYTICA COMPANY GUIDE: ULLAS UNNIKRISHAN MARAR IBS AHMEDABAD SUBMITTED BY: ANANDARUP GHOSHAL ENROLLMENT NO: 07BS0024 MOBILE NO: 9913815561 E-MAIL: anandarup99@yahoo.co.in 3|Page I am thankful towards my company INFOANALYTICA a division of the Agarwal management consultants for giving me this great opportunity to work into the company for the summer internship project. It was a very good learning experience for me. I am thankful to the CEO of the company Mr. Amit Gupta. My project guide Mr. Ullas Marar has helped me a lot whenever I needed. My regards to my college faculty guide Mr. Amit Saraswat for being extremely helpful during the project. For him this was working as well as a learning experience. During my project I have got help from many other faculties. I am very thankful to Dr. Rashid Saiyeed, Prof. Toby Mammen, Dr. Saji Kumar and Mr. Ravi Gor. I am thankful to our director Prof. Bala Bhaskaran for providing me this great opportunity of the learning. 4|Page Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: ....................
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...Microsoft-Access Tutorial Soren Lauesen E-mail: slauesen@itu.dk Version 2.4b: July 2011 Contents 1. The hotel system................................................... 4 2. Creating a database ............................................. 6 2.1 Create a database in Access ............................. 6 2.2 Create more tables ......................................... 10 2.3 Create relationships ....................................... 12 2.4 Look-up fields, enumeration type .................. 14 2.5 Dealing with trees and networks.................... 16 3. Access-based user interfaces ............................. 18 3.1 Forms and simple controls............................. 18 3.1.1 Text box, label and command button...... 18 3.1.2 Adjusting the controls............................. 20 3.1.3 Cleaning up the form .............................. 20 3.1.4 Shortcut keys for the user ....................... 22 3.1.5 Lines, checkbox, calendar....................... 22 3.1.6 Combo box - enumeration type .............. 24 3.1.7 Combo box - table look up ..................... 26 3.1.8 Control properties - text box................... 28 3.2 Subforms........................................................ 30 3.2.1 Subform in Datasheet view..................... 31 3.2.2 Adjust the subform ................................. 34 3.2.3 Mockup subform..................................... 36 3.2.4 Subform in Form view............................ 36 3.2.5 Summary of subforms...................
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...Answers to Conceptual Integrated Science End-of-Chapter Questions Chapter 1: About Science Answers to Chapter 1 Review Questions 1 The era of modern science in the 16th century was launched when Galileo Galilei revived the Copernican view of the heliocentric universe, using experiments to study nature’s behavior. 2 In Conceptual Integrated Science, we believe that focusing on math too early is a poor substitute forconcepts. 3 We mean that it must be capable of being proved wrong. 4 Nonscientific hypotheses may be perfectly reasonable; they are nonscientific only because they are not falsifiable—there is no test for possible wrongness. 5 Galileo showed the falseness of Aristotle’s claim with a single experiment—dropping heavy and lightobjects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 6 A scientific fact is something that competent observers can observe and agree to be true; a hypothesis is an explanation or answer that is capable of being proved wrong; a law is a hypothesis that has been tested over and over and not contradicted; a theory is a synthesis of facts and well-tested hypotheses. 7 In everyday speech, a theory is the same as a hypothesis—a statement that hasn’t been tested. 8 Theories grow stronger and more precise as they evolve to include new information. 9 The term supernatural literally means “above nature.” Science works within nature, not above it. 10 They rely on subjective personal experience and do not lead to testable hypotheses. They lie outside...
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...could prosp without th support of a major label per he l? Ne ettwerk was an independ dent music la abel, publish and mana her agement firm In July 2009 its m. found Terry Mc der, cBride, joined forces with Brian Messag a partner in the comp d ge, pany that man naged Radio ohead, to offe the indust a new ide Under th name Poly er try ea. he yphonic they would inves $20 st millio of seed cap on pital to put ba ands in charge of their own careers. “It’ pretty much a venture capital n ’s h firm f bands,” on of the partn for ne ners told Billb board magazi 1. ine Al lternate structures for fina ancing and p promoting rec corded music such as art c, tist-run labels had s, been tried before without much success. Wh gave thes investors h w h hat se hope in 2009 w the belie that was ef digitiz zed music an the Intern would com nd net mbine to cre eate new, low cost ways t promote m w to music. McBri and his partners were ready to put what they had learned ab ide p t bout digital m music marketi to ing work in a vehicle that could attr t ract investors s. Ini itial response from invest e tors was mixe however. “Returns on entertainme products when ed, n ent portfo olios are smal are typicall very erratic said one N ll ly c”, New York-bas venture c sed capitalist.2 Wa the as non m major label ap pproach about to fail again? t The Music Ind dustry Th music indu he ustry compris a wary a sed alliance betwe art and b een business. Artists,...
Words: 7006 - Pages: 29
...this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. Printed in USA First printing 18 17 16 15 14 123456789 ISBN-10: 1-59327-564-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-564-8 Publisher: William Pollock Production Editor: Alison Law Cover Illustration: Mertsaloff/Shutterstock Interior Design: Octopod Studios Developmental Editor: William Pollock Technical Reviewer: Jason Oliver Copyeditor: Pamela Hunt Compositor: Susan Glinert Stevens Proofreader: James Fraleigh Indexer: Nancy Guenther For information on distribution, translations, or bulk sales, please contact No Starch Press, Inc. directly: No Starch Press, Inc. 245 8th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 phone: 415.863.9900; fax: 415.863.9950; info@nostarch.com; www.nostarch.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Weidman, Georgia. Penetration testing : a hands-on introduction to hacking / Georgia Weidman. pages cm Includes index. ISBN 978-1-59327-564-8 (paperback) -- ISBN 1-59327-564-1 (paperback) 1. Penetration testing (Computer security) 2. Kali Linux. 3. Computer hackers. QA76.9.A25W4258 2014 005.8'092--dc23 2014001066 I. Title. No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners...
Words: 117203 - Pages: 469
...Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits Solutions to Exercises and Problems Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology c 1998 Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang July 3, 2005 Chapter 1 The Circuit Abstraction Exercises Exercise 1.1 Quartz heaters are rated according to the average power drawn from a 120 volt AC 60 Hz voltage source. Estimate the resistance (when operating) a 1200 watt quartz heater. NOTE: The voltage waveform for a 120 volt AC 60 Hz waveform is The factor of in the peak amplitude cancels when the average power is computed. One result is that the peak amplitude of the voltage from a 120 volt wall outlet is about 170 volts. Solution: Power watts ; where is average value of sinusoidal voltage, Average value of a sinusoidally oscillating signal is the peak value divided by Therefore Therefore 1 © ¥£ $ ¡ ! 3 © § ¥£¡ ¦QPIHG00F E¨¦¤¢ ¥£ & $ ¡ ! ¦%('%#" ¨¦¤¢ © § ¥£¡ (0 7 0 T § 02@ CA § @ 3 71 § 3 1 ¦D B29865)42§ § S@ § 0)R © (0)§ C D B(0 A § . 2 ANS:: CHAPTER 1. THE CIRCUIT ABSTRACTION Exercise 1.2 a) The battery on your car has a rating stated in ampere-hours which permits you to estimate the length of time a fully charged battery could deliver any particular current before discharge. Approximately how much energy is stored by a 50 ampere-hour...
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