...Lesson Plan Values II I. Objectives At the end of a 40-minute discussion, the Grade IV pupils were able to do the following with 75% proficiency level: a. to define respect; b. to identify some actions that shows respect; and c. to have a short role play showing respect II. Subject Matter Topic -------------------------- Respect Them All Book -------------------------- Character Education Pages -------------------------- 144-156 Materials -------------------------- Visual Aids, Pictures and Posters. Value Integration ---------------------- Respect III. Procedure | | | |Teachers Activity |Students Activity | | | | | | | |Preparatory Activity | | | ...
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...option. The only this I had to do was go to school and make good grades. Now that I think about it school was my job and my paycheck was the knowledge I was gaining. This generation now-a-days have the idea that they should be rewarded finically for doing well. Students should not offered finical incentives to do well on standardize test in school. Schools should not give into to paying students for their performance. It is understood that in order to keep a school in good academic standings you have to make sure students do well on the standardized test. The test scores not only reflect the school but also represent each student as an individual. So you can see why it is important for students to do well but should that really mean at all cost. For many years teachers have been teaching the material for the long term knowledge now it seems as if they are just beginning to teach just for testing. There are some major disadvantages when trying to offer students financial incentives to do well on standardized test. Education should be viewed as a privilege. Many students take educations for granted. Not knowing that in some countries education is still not free let along for all males and females. You even have some certain types of schools here in the USA that you have to pay for high school education. I would think since students know that one day you will have to pay to further your education that they would take advantage of the free opportunity now. Not only is the education...
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...is my website(show my website) . Do you want to have your own website? Today I will introduce the procedures to create a website. You can create your own website even you have no sense about internet. There are three steps to create a website: get a space, install web software, connect a domain to the space. Let me explain the first step. First we need a space to manage our code. There are many ways to get a space from internet. You can buy a server and connect it to the internet, or you can rent a virtual server from internet service provider, you can also apply free space from some non-profit organizations. Luckily our school provides a free space to all students. What we need is applying in the website of the IT center. Now we have a space, but this is not enough. What do we need in the next step? Yes, we need an open source web software. The best open source web software is word press. We could download the source code from its website, extract the code to the space we have applied through ftp, and configure the software through browser. Ok your website starts working now. Now we have our home, and a house, what do we need to prepare in the next step? We need an address. But our visitors should visit our website with a temporary domain name provided by our server provider. We need a formal domain name now. So the last step is connecting your domain name to your space. We need to buy a domain name from domain provider. Then we should connect the domain name to our space...
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...gift for my generation is being able to do what we want without choosing who we are based of the backlash others opinions. We can love who we want, spend our time how we want,grow at our own pace, do what we want, what we feel like we need to do. We always had these choices, the freedom but my generation has gained the support. Americaś gift to my generation is acceptance. We can pursue what makes us happy without worrying if itś socially acceptable. Minorities can be happier because finally even though they always had the choice now itś not as heavily influenced on what other people believe they have to pick because itś less controversial . Because itś what they would pick. What makes them happy. My generation can choose like we always could but now we have the support. Itś not their choice of your religion, the choice of your time isn't their business. No stranger should care what you do like they used to. My generation has changed for the better because satisfaction that hurts no one should not be shut down....
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...Arguing Both Sides Hello my esteemed fellow citizens. Do we consider ourselves to be members of a fair, a civilized society? I would hope that the answer would be yes. Are the citizens of our community willing and able to do what is right even when what is right may not be a popular decision? Our community has offered a monetary reward for the murder of a tyrant. However, now that the tyrant is dead there is a dispute as to whether or not the community should pay the monetary reward to the intruder who ultimately was the catalyst to the demise of the tyrant's death. Let’s ask ourselves what we would like to see as the final outcome if we ourselves were in this very predicament. So what do we know? We know that the community offered...
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...walked the earth long before humans walking and prowling as they please. Now they have changed other animals walk this earth with an iron fist changing everything they see. But is this all really bad, it is all really really bad. the one thing that has been in the grasp of many two legged creatures is the Amazon rainforest. It's the world's pearl as a red flame it engulfs the forest as if they were performing as if it were just there just for you. the charcoal air had turned from being crystal clear. All this just for new apartment or a new mall?The world that were trying to protect so dearly from everything that we have done. As the sweat drips from your face you start to realize that everything...
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...VII............................................................... 105 BOOK VIII ............................................................. 127 BOOK IX ................................................................ 145 BOOK X ................................................................. 163 BOOK I 1 Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. But a certain difference is found among ends; some are activities, others are products apart from the activities that produce them. Where there are ends apart from the actions, it is the nature of the products to be better than the activities. Now, as there are many actions, arts, and sciences, their ends also are many; the end of the medical art is health, that of shipbuilding a vessel, that of strategy victory, that of economics wealth. But where such arts fall under a single capacity—as bridle-making and the other arts concerned with the equipment of horses fall under the art of riding, and this and every military action under strategy, in the same way other arts fall under yet others—in all of these the ends of the master arts are to be preferred to all the subordinate ends; for it is for the sake of the...
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...Ruben Alvarez John Clanton English 102: Advance Written communications March 10, 2015 When we think marriage what do you think? We are look at marriage as it being a woman and a man falling in love and joining their life as on in a marriage. That is what we think of when we say marriage. We also call it that it has become and intimate union of two people that have fallen in love that nothing can keep them apart. God has credited this vision as a male and female to receive each other with open arms to look and each other as a gift from one to another. Now in this day we also see same sex marriage and we look at that as being okay with each other and being okay with god. We have seen it more and more often then before, when people fall in love they what to unite the love by being married and that is when we see that same sex marriage is becoming more and more common in todays world. We will be talking about same sex marriage, the pro and cons of this topic have become so enlarged that I will try to bring it back down to be able to get a better understanding of this subject. So when you think that today’s world has become so different from before we have to look at both side before we can even take a side of the issue. We see that some kids are so affect when they don’t have a mother or father figure in there life so now just imagine to have two of the same as being parents and never have one of the opposite side of the sex wall being an influence in your life. In one...
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...know if you read your email yet B: I’m just about to R: I got an email from Abby and I know that she sent one to you, and since you haven’t read your email I want to try to nip this in the bud and explain what this email is about. She’s accusing me of sexual harassment. What had happened, let me just give you some back history first. First of all, my wife and I are having marital problems and during that time we separated and Abby and I, because we have seen each other, because we have liked each other decided, let’s see what can happen. B: How long ago was this? R: This was 6 months ago. Last 2 weeks it has really become stressed and that’s why production is down. And I know that you know these numbers. But the problem being is that she is fighting everything. She doesn’t want to work with me, she doesn’t want to give me a hand with anything, and I’m managing it all on my own. And then she’s threatening me. Now this is in response to another email that I sent her, which she refers to in there. Now here is that email, and let me explain. Right now I’m just saying if you don’t want to get back together with me, and I had wrote her an email saying why don’t we get back together. Well she didn’t respond positively so I said fine, if you’re uncomfortable on our team, I’ll do everything that I can to help facilitate you moving to a different group. I wanted to help her, I wanted to solve this problem and instead she’s writing me these threatening things like you need to change departments...
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...1 John 3:10-11 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” We must learn how to defend ourselves. Romans 8 2 types of Christians for Sunday. Our guards go down but personal options can change like the crowd into the mob. Matt. 21 Nisan 9 and Matt. 27 Nisan 14. The time was 5 days . time was calculated using dundown to sunup. Matt. 27:2,3 And, after binding him, they led him off and handed him over to Pilate the governor.3 Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing he had been condemned, felt remorse and turned the thirty silver pieces back to the chief priests and older men, The crowd turned into a mob. John 15:19,20 If YOU were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen YOU out of the world, on this account the world hates YOU. 20 Bear in mind the word I said to YOU, A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute YOU also; if they have observed my word, they will observe YOURS also. 2 Timothy 3:1-5,11,12 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient...
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...brother, Drake Blackwell, and I decided to visit one of our friends, Jerry Patrick. It was late at night, so we couldn’t stay long, but we me and Drake still wanted to go. Jerry had to pick us up from our house. When he came to our house, he brought a few treats. They both had names on them to indicate who gets what. One of them said Drake, and the other said Andrew. Jerry had gave me a bar of chocolate, and Drake had received a Pepsi can. I had finished my chocolate bar, but Drake decided to throw away his Pepsi when Jerry wasn’t looking. “You know I like Cocoa-Cola,” Drake...
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...The Holy War by Bunyan About The Holy War by bunyan Title: URL: Author(s): Publisher: Rights: Date Created: Contributor(s): CCEL Subjects: LC Call no: LC Subjects: The Holy War http://www.ccel.org/ccel/bunyan/holy_war.html Bunyan, John Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Public Domain 2002-06-25 Jon Van Hofwegen (Markup) Context; Theology; PR3329 .H1 2001 English literature 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770) The Holy War bunyan Table of Contents About This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Title Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To The Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An Advertisement to the Reader. . . . Relation of the Holy War. . . . . . . . . Chapter 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indexes...
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...some classroom training so that we can start with information about the company, what their new job will be like and go over the safety rules so that we can make sure everyone is in a safe environment. I feel that it is very important that an employee knows what they is sell and who they are working for because one of the greatest selling tool you will have is a love for what you are selling and the belief that your company is the best. I can tell you a love for what you are doing will help you do it every day and if you believe in what you are selling you can make others belief it and then they will by it and on the smallest level just having the confidence can make you stand out verses others. This first part of the training will be the orientation. After going over the products a little, the company, and safety rules we will start to get the trainees ready to learn and the first thing will be to get them their uniform and get changed. After they have changed I feel it is important to talk to the trainee get to know them and each other, find out what they do, things that they like and things that they do not like and try to add things in about how that relates to their new job and why it is important; this can help get the new trainees interested and ready to learn which is important because you cannot force anyone to learn they must be ready and willing to. This should take the first part of day one. Now of the second half of the day we will do some more classroom training and...
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...that perception gap? Is HR overestimating the value it adds or is the profession just failing to demonstrate that value to senior management in a convincing way? I asked Peter Cheese Chief Executive of the CIPD why he thinks so many business leaders still don’t see HR as integral to strategy. Peter Cheese: It’s still therefore a reflection of the concern we’ve talked about for many years in the world of HR about how do we get the proverbial seat at the table, seen to be integral. It clearly has to be still a reflection that whatever business leaders feel is on their agenda HR is not either able to engage with that agenda or use the language that makes business leaders understand why, what HR people worry about should be part of the agenda but we still clearly haven’t fully closed that loop and I think in the context of this conversation part of it is still being able to talk in more quantitative terms about what we mean and many environments of course such as engineering and finance and so forth the culture is very, very numbers and analytical driven and we have to be able to respond to those sorts of contexts. PL: The key point here is that board...
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...The richest man in the world explains how to save the planet. At 58, Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, with a fortune that now exceeds $76 billion, but he may also be the most optimistic. In his view, the world is a giant operating system that just needs to be debugged. Gates' driving idea – the idea that animates his life, that guides his philanthropy, that keeps him late in his sleek book-lined office overlooking Lake Washington, outside Seattle – is the hacker's notion that the code for these problems can be rewritten, that errors can be fixed, that huge systems – whether it's Windows 8, global poverty or climate change – can be improved if you have the right tools and the right skills. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic organization with a $36 billion endowment that he runs with his wife, is like a giant startup whose target market is human civilization. Personally, Gates has very little Master of the Universe swagger and, given the scale of his wealth, his possessions are modest: three houses, one plane, no yachts. He wears loafers and khakis and V-neck sweaters. He often needs a haircut. His glasses haven't changed much in 40 years. For fun, he attends bridge tournaments. Related: Q&A: Bill Gates on How to Stop Global Warming Related: Obama in Command: The Rolling Stone Interview Related: Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview But if his social ambitions are modest, his intellectual scope is mind-boggling: climate, energy...
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