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What Was America Be Like In 10 Years Essay

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What would America be like in ten years? This question has endless answers and possibilities. There could be flying cars, ice cream that never melts, and probably a breakthrough by scientists that allows us to stay young for longer periods of time. Of course, that would be in the minds of a little child who has not been introduced to problems out in the adult life. If you asked me what I hope for in the future, I probably would have said the same thing as them, yet by judging from what I have been introduced throughout my sixteen years of life, there are many things that could be hopeful for. For instance, world hunger. I hope that I – that anyone – can come up with a solution to help all those countries who do not have enough money or food …show more content…
It is up to us to interpret those wars and to step up. We can change the world, we just have to be willing to try.
To serve one’s nation is to give back to the community. It is to help bring peace among disputing sides and to change for the better. The upcoming generations are responsible for this change, to bring us to a better place because before we know it, we will be running America one day. Our generation will be the one to overcome the obstacles while the previous generations sit back and hope for the better. If we do not change now, we are doomed to repeat history and the millennial generation will be the laughing stock of the century instead of us just being all the talk. We can change by starting to be kind to one another. Yes, it might be a difficult task at times, but we have to take an effort to understand each other because if we spend too long dwelling over the past, then we are no better than the last. It sounds cheesy but that’s the starting point of the change. People today need to take into consideration of someone’s feelings, they need to be more compassionate and accepting. We cannot judge one based on our own

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