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Whats in It for Me


Submitted By sanderwc
Words 1164
Pages 5
What’s in IT for me?

When I came to the prestigious University of Cincinnati, I knew, through much of my father’s help, that I wanted to go into the business field. Throughout my freshman year I was unsure of what major I wanted to peruse, but when the Operations Management head, Ruth Sieple, came and spoke to my freshman Pathways class I knew that this major was definitely for me. When she spoke of how people in this major are organized, detail oriented, and like to find more efficient and faster way to complete tasks, those qualification were all mine! I have not taken any core classes in Operations Management yet but I am very excited too in the future. I currently just accepted a job offer with General Electric for next semester in their Operations Management department. I will hopefully be involved with planning and purchasing supplies from their many suppliers, here and abroad, and learning how to manage inventory which is critical in any manufacturing business. A high knowledge of inventory, stocking, designing efficient and productive processes, by effectively allocating resources, controlling inventory, and scheduling projects is obtained when pursuing this specific major. Once one graduates with an Operations management degree, specific job titles such as production manager, operations manager, purchasing manager and agency administrator, just to name a few, can be pursued within this field. Obviously in stating all of that, technology is not only a huge factor, but probably the main factor why this major even exists. To sum it up, when people are still confused when I explain my major, I recommend them to watch the UPS ‘Logistics’ commercial airing around the Super Bowl time last year, and then they really get it.

The technology used by Walmart is extremely advanced, so much so that they have a data center in Arkansas codenamed “Area 71”.

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