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When Children Face Obstacles Analysis

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When children enter the world they are naive and unaware about the obstacles that they will soon face. I would be inaccurate if I said some children face obstacles earlier than others. Some children are born healthy while others aren’t. Health could be an argument well justified when conversing about obstacles inside of many individuals’ lives. However, several individuals often talk about their personal and ‘rare’ problems, but what about the obstacles everyone face as whole? Such as, learning how to crawl for the first time, YES that’s a moment to remember. Then you’re able to walk then fall, until you master the concept of gravity. The one that’s worth every bruise and bump from crawling and falling is the running. It is great to see people run and their chest pumping with a drilling and rush. Also, when someone inputs that it’s proven that running is a contributing factor to lowering your stress rate. To see your friends and family enjoy the common activity is full of amusement and …show more content…
It’s all about taking it one step at a time, after all I had time to spare. “Walk!”, I said then walk so much more. Weeks went by and I was still walking at a normal pace, before I knew it I begun to walk a little faster than usual. Time passed and I stopped, I became so discourage that I forgot my purpose. I was my own downfall, but I knew that before I could accomplish anything else I had to get through this obstacle. It was like I stopped and time passed. A year had came and went before I was able to accomplish my short-term goal. I had to take a different approach this time so when I try to quit, something would keep me motivated. As a result, I sign up for a marathon for Breast cancer Awareness week. I knew I had to train for this event and my motivation was to run that marathon for the few wonderful people that I knew who had beat breast

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