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Rahab The Harlot

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received the Lord Jesus Christ in my life; But, I have been changed into a new person when I allowed God to transform me to become the person He wanted me to be for His glory. Therefore, I emphasized well to the hearing of the church that it is not what the people do for God that can change them and please God, but it is what God is doing in our lives that we are changed. …… Take up your cross and follow me, God said.
2. We worked as entertainers in the past for a noble purpose. Why would God not honor our godly intention?
Tainted wealth has no lasting value, but right living can save your life. (Proverbs 10:2 , NIV)
As a servant of God and from a Christian point of view, occupation in clubs and bars are considered sinful because the women …show more content…
(James 2:25, NASB) They interpreted this as something like; Rahab, the harlot had done a good thing for the people of God. She was a prostitute, but because of her godly motive to save God’s spies, that God honored her. Therefore, why would we not receive the same honor? I have responded to them in a humble manner, saying, “You may be right, but let’s look more closely to see what Rahab did for God. First, Rahab has recognized, who were these people. She saved them not because she had some good in herself, but she responded and submitted herself to God’s will by preserving these Israelites from death if they were caught. Second, Rahab feared God by doing the right thing. She became a traitor to her own people. In short, she risked her life to save these spies that God sent.” Therefore, these are the reasons why God honored Rahab. I told them that we can reflect more to understand the life story of Rahab and to understand likewise their position, situation and condition before God. Then, we moved on by asking them again to open their Bibles in 1 Corinthians 6:9, and I have asked them to interpret the passage that

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