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Early Childhood Education: Article Analysis

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Education, in general, is essential no matter what your age is. Kids are going to school (K-12) to learn, grow and to become educated when they are adults. We as adults are going to school to learn and grow so that we can help not only ourselves but to build on the skills that we need to know for our careers. Young children need that same type of environment so that they can grow in each developmental area. The first 2,000 days of life, so from birth to 5 years is the most important time (Aspyn Institute, 2013). Finding the funding to help everyone in our world to afford childcare is becoming more aware. The importance of early childhood education will not only keep you out of trouble and cause higher achievements, but it will also help your …show more content…
Through grants, state help, and other sources through the government and by providing more funds to early childhood centers will help more children succeed in the early stages of life. (Kartal, 2007) The article "Investments for Future: Early Childhood Development and Education" shows us how they are trying to serve the whole community and “The expansion of services of early childhood education (ece) and preschool education to the all sections of community is one of the targets of social development today” (p. 547). Investing our time and money into any and all early childhood centers will help supply the tools to educate our future children. Our society wants to bring the education to all young children, even if their parents are in the low-income areas. President Obama addressed the State of the Union and said he wanted “… to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America… Doing so will invest critical resources where we know the return on our dollar is the highest: in our youngest children” (Early Learning, n.d.). There are so many early learning centers out there for parents to find, as well as, funding to help them out with the high demand costs of the

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