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When I Should Start Later Essay

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Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in class? Or you found that you did really poorly on a test and remembered that you had stayed awake until midnight the night before that? Well, if you have, you are like me and are probably not going to bed early enough, resulting in you being sleep deprived.This problem affects my education, my sports, and my personal life, too. I struggle with this problem and think that some things have to be set so I can go to bed earlier. If I could set a time when I go to bed every night, stay off my electronics at night and get all my homework done earlier, I would probably not be so sleep deprived. There are many causes to this problem. The first one is that since I am now in middle school, I have more homework, sports, and after school activities. This makes it harder for me to go home and go to bed earlier when I have stuff that I have to do before I can sleep. “A 1997 study found that alone time was key for teens.” (Weingus,2015). I need some alone time in my day and sometimes late at night is the only …show more content…
I can stay off my electronics an hour or two before I go to sleep and not worry about social media, therefore resulting in me having nothing to do which means that I can go to bed. I also can have this time to work on homework or other things. If I want to check social media I will have to do this very quickly or on the weekends when I don't have anything to do. This solution is affordable and practical because it won't cost any money and it's not a huge deal for me to have to stay off electronics for a while. If I can go to bed earlier because I'm using my time wisely, then I will feel rested in the morning and be able to do well on tests, my sports, or other activities. This will also be helpful to people around me because I won't be so rude, I will be rested and not moody. So, to help myself and people around me, I need to find a way to use my time more

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