...The first lecture was about Science and Technology and he started off by saying that science came from society for the needs of the people meaning that everything Science and Technology invented or discovered is for the needs of society. Science and Technology both have their similarities and differences. One similarity of Science and Technology is that they were both created for knowledge while one difference would be in their usage. Science is for the understanding of the natural world and technology is the action of saving the natural world. Society however is the main predecessor of both science and technology because it is society that controls and guides the forms of science and technology. To conclude, Science and Technology are not necessarily related in the sense that they can be independent from one another and develop separately. Society is the determining factor for their possible connections and science and technology have become so intertwined that they have become related. The next lecture was on The Biography of Science and the video “The Story of Science – What is Out There?” was used as reference. This was basically about how early scientists or philosophers used their technology or invented technology to expand science and help society. The documentary mainly focused on philosophers being curious about what is outside the earth and its atmosphere and building telescopes to expand the vision of the naked eye. They studied the planets and how the planets revolved...
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...Information Science Careers Brian Maltass University of South Florida Introduction They say that we are living in information age, this however is a clear scandal that neither definition nor theory, of information both precise and broad enough to qualify such assertion sensible. Niels Ole Fiennemann in the year 2001 came up with Media’s general history. He said that no Society could exist where exchange and production of information is of little significance. Therefore one cannot compare information societies and industrial societies in any steady way. Information societies could be industrial societies and industrial societies could as well mean information societies. The following is a media matrix he suggested. literature cultures: writing(number systems and primary alphabets),secondly print cultures: print + speech + written texts, Second order alphabetical cultures: written texts + speech + analogue electrical media + digital media and speech based oral cultures .This paper seeks to visit the origin of the Information Technology and the developments it has undergone to become what it is today. In history of development of information technology, the paper looks into challenges that were encountered during the advancement stages. Discussion In today’s era, the crucial influence with regard to the concept of information is borrowed from information theory that was developed by Shannon alongside others. In...
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...Arthur Holmes was born on January 14 1890 in England. He first became interested about Earth science when he started going to his high school, Gateshead High School. He then after started to go to college a few years later at Imperial College in London in 1907. Then when he was in college he then started to read about physics. He then after he was in Imperial college changed his colleges and started to go to Royal College of science and got his first degree ever , it was in geology. One of the main science contributions he made was that he found out how old the earth is. Some he used to find and do his research was a technique called radioactive dating which helped him find out how old certain rocks and minerals were. Arthur Holmes is a geologist...
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...years the world had been living in the dark, with no advances in science or technology. The people were stuck in the past, blindly following the rules and teachings of the Church. Amidst the dark, came a light known as the Scientific Revolution which dared to challenge the old system of belief and thinking. From the Scientific Revolution emerged major figures whose discoveries and inventions radically impacted Europe and paved the path to the modernization of science and technology. To start, Nicolaus Copernicus’s theory of a heliocentric universe drastically changed the way that Europeans viewed the universe and set the path for future scientists. Furthermore, Galileo Galilei’s invention...
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...Development of science and technology and its effects on human beings. Akshay Aswani Southern State University Author Note Akshay Aswani, student of composition and rhetoric class, Southern States University Akshay Aswani is a student of Bachelors of Business Administration in Southern States University Correspondence concerning this essay should be addressed to Akshay Aswani Composition and rhetoric, Southern States University. Fashion Valley. 123 Camino De la Reina Suite 100 East San Diego, CA 92108 Contact: akshayaswani@yahoo.in Abstract This paper reveals the Development of science and technology in various sectors and its effects on human beings. Major development in transportation was airways which reduced the travelling time to an extensive level. In communication sector, Mobile phone reduced the distance and turned the world in globalized village. In medical field, treatment of dangerous diseases like Cancer and tuberculosis has been invented. In this essay comparison is done between present and past due to development of technology. In which way science and technology has made the life of human being luxurious and easy. Which has resulted in saving lots of time of human beings and performing the difficult task in a lucid way. Various examples are given in the essay which clarifies the advantages and disadvantages received by human being due to development of technology. Moreover in the end my opinion towards the topic is given Keywords:...
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...Common Course in English 2011 Admission onwards HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE MODULE I & II Prepared by : House No. 21 “Pranaam” Keltron Nagar, Kolazhi, Thrissur Ms. GAYATHRI MENON .K MODULE III & IV Prepared by: Ms. SWAPNA M.S. Department of English K. K. T. M. Govt. College Pullut, Thrissur Dr. Anitha Ramesh K Associate Professor Department of English ZG College, Calicut © Reserved 2 Scrutinised by : Layout: Computer Section, SDE History and Philosophy of Science School of Distance Education Contents MODULE I ANCIENT HISTORY OF SCIENCE 1. Introduction 2. Origins of Scientific Enquiry 3. European Origins of Science 4. Contributions of Early India 5. Science in China 6. The role of Arabs in the History of Science MODULE 2 7. Science in the Middle Ages MODULE 3 MODERN SCIENCE 8. Newton and After 9. The Advancing Frontiers: Modern Medicine to Nanotechnology MODULE 4 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 10. Basic concepts in the Philosophy of Science 11. Some Issues in the Philosophy of Science Pages 5 10 17 24 31 36 44 53 64 79 88 History and Philosophy of Science 3 School of Distance Education History and Philosophy of Science 4 School of Distance Education MODULE 1 ANCIENT HISTORY OF SCIENCE UNIT – 1 INTRODUCTION Objectives This chapter will help you to: 1. Understand what is science 2. Understand...
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...Star Trek Technology We Use Everyday Star Trek technology has become reality that we use in our daily lives. There are many different forms of technology fields that have been shown in Star Trek as a first that have become a reality rather than a Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) fantasy. Star Trek technology came from the great imaginative minds of writers and designers with little to no knowledge of science in the original series. It wasn't until the second series that they started to incorporate actual scientific methods and terms. Advancements in science have come about through the influence of creative people thinking of the future. This technology has been instrumental in how we conduct our lives. Contemporary technology has been influenced by Star Trek in many ways. Phones were around for many years before Star Trek; however, they were tied down to the house or office by wires and the bulkiness of the devices. No one could possibly make a phone call on the go, yet they could by using a phone booth. However, using a phone booth would not be of much use since it couldn't be carried around. One of the greatest inventors of this decade, Dr. Martin Cooper, decided to come up with a new form of communicating with the rest of the world. "Dr. Martin Cooper found himself tripping over his phone cord when he saw Star Trek appear on the TV playing in the background. Cooper watched with envy as Captain Kirk calmly conversed while walking across an alien landscape." (Laytner, 2011) While...
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...As has been noted throughout my research, there has been a decline in technology majors throughout the past couple of years, thus affecting the job market. The survey that was conducted on high school seniors, as well as research done by some universities, has proven that lack of information and interest affects this type of career choice. By properly informing potential technology students and offering them resources, we can better equip our future system and network administrators to perform to their potential. Topic Proposal Author Background An interest in computers came to my attention shortly after graduating from high school. I first involved myself in working with cameras and fixing them for several customers. The satisfying knowledge that I gained came from realizing that I could take apart, fix a piece of technology and do it well. Computers as a hobby came only after my brother gave me one to fix and keep for my use. Although I was daunted at first, I took apart and drew diagrams, to remember where the components where located. I had no previous experience from computers that I had learned at my high school, so I used the knowledge of camera troubleshooting to apply to computer diagnostics. After several years, I had gained some hands-on experience in how this type of technology worked. During my sophomore year at college, I came across an information session fair about technology careers. At the fair, I realized that there were many specialized areas...
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...Ji Zhou: Study of Chinese Doctoral Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Stephanie Hamilton PYS/101 10/5/2015 Mr. Lungsford Ji Zhou: Study of Chinese Doctoral Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Ji Zhou is a student at the University of Southern California who wanted to explore and give voice to Chinese international students who study in STEM programs in the United States. His main objective is to find their motivation and persistence despite barriers. Chinese encounter such as racial discrimination, language in speaking, and academic writing, these difficulties pose serious challenges to persistence. Since 2011 students from Mainland China have comprised the largest international groups in the U.S. doctoral education, mainly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. A 2011 survey showed 29 % of US doctoral degrees were awarded to international students, of which 28 were awarded to Mainland China. 92% of these students studied in STEM. This the first empirical study that will focus solely on the educational experiences of chines international doctoral students in STEM. The two important research questions are (a) what motivates Chinese students to persist if the encounter these challenges? (b) What cultural factors contribute to this persistence in motivation? The motivation theory will be used in this study and this theory is rarely applied to understand doctoral student experiences. This motivation theory...
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...thousands of years to create the world we use to live in but that all came crumbling down in the year 2200. Five years later only a few people have survived and the process to rebuild society is our main goal. But the big question is: What now? How do you survive, and how do you rebuild society? “One of your first problems if society were to collapse, if law and order were to evaporate, would probably be other people,” says Lewis Dartnell, the author of The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch. The book is intended as a “start guide and a quick start manual for rebooting civilisation” in the event of an apocalypse. COLLABORATE TO SURVIVE In such a scenario, to re-create a civilisation that even comes close to resembling the one we know, one of the first things that needs to happen is collaboration. “If we were to go out of this café tonight to see that society has collapsed, you would just fall into a community of likeminded people, just like in The Walking Dead, who could support each other and then you would be just trying to pull yourself back up by your own bootstraps,” Dartnell says.Once we’ve managed to successfully locate other survivors – without the help of Google Maps – a massive hurdle will be having enough humans left who are physically able to repopulate the areas they are living in. The rest of the world comes next. It is science that built our modern world, and it is science that will be needed to rebuild it again For this, Dartnell says, you...
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...a professor of geophysics at toronto from 1964 to 1974 and died in 1993.He was part of development of the plate tectonics in mid-1960s..Wilson became first person at any Canadian university to graduate in geophysical studies in 1930.Wilson became the world’s leading spokesman.Wilson most significant work involved finding support for continental drift and seafloor spreading.Science contribution wilson could do all of these and some where his jobs geophysics,geology,plate tectonics,transform faults,hotspots.Wilson also studyed seafloor...
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...World heritage sites, China's festival, China's Kung Fu and Beijing opera. Interested in Chinese culture? These tours might interest you: China History Tours, World Heritage Tours, Explore Ancient Towns, Minority Discovery, Festival Tours, and Kungfu Tours. Historical China was a world leader in science and technology until the Ming Dynasty. Ancient Chinese discoveries and inventions, such as papermaking, printing, the compass, and gunpowder (the Four Great Inventions), later became widespread in Asia and Europe. Chinese mathematicians were the first to use negative numbers.[316][317] However, by the 17th century, the Western world had surpassed China in scientific and technological development.[318] The causes of this Great Divergence continue to be debated.[319] After repeated military defeats by Western nations in the 19th century, Chinese reformers began promoting modern science and technology as part of the Self-Strengthening Movement. After the Communists came to power in 1949, efforts were made to organize science and technology based on the model of the Soviet Union, in which scientific research was part of central planning.[320] After Mao's death in 1976, science and technology was established as one of the Four Modernizations,[321] and the Soviet-inspired academic system was...
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...LXXX BXXXXXXXX EN 1320 Composition I 05/04/14 Has Society Benefited from the Rapid Advancement of Technology? Technology has interwoven itself so deeply into our everyday lives that it would be hard to imagine life without it. Militaries around the world have benefited from the advances of technology, especially Hitler’s Armies during World War II. Hitler’s scientists created the rocket with the intention of firing missiles at the U.S.; now rockets can also be used to launch space shuttles into orbit. There have also been many technological achievements in the field of medicine over the last century; from creating vaccines for potentially deadly diseases like small pox and polio to successfully performing the first open heart surgery. Advances like these eventually lead to robots and machines playing a bigger part in operating rooms around the world. Some of the biggest advances in technology have probably involved things in our personal lives like smart phones, computers, social media, and HDTVs. Technology’s rapid progression, especially in medicine, military, and even in our personal lives over the past 100 years has greatly benefited our society. Do wars drive technological advancement? According to an article by a journalist named Jonathan Strickland, it does and, unfortunately, I couldn’t agree more. Strickland goes on to state, “In general, wars tend to accelerate technological development to adapt tools for the purpose of solving specific military needs. Later...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...chart future shifts in the relationship between science, technology and culture. Abstract The study of history can easily have a somewhat anecdotal purpose behind examining it, but with the advent of Winston’s ‘Modeling for change’ we are able to discern a concentration of social forces working directly on the process of innovations rather than being a force on innovation. It is for this reason that we have the ability to chart future shifts in science, technology and culture through an evolutionary social based process that exist in a perpetual dialogue always tinkering, refining and suppressing devices throughout the ages. There has been a popular contention, a somewhat anecdotal purpose behind studying the past that has something to do with making sure that 'we learn from it' and are not destined to 'repeat it' as such. (Santayana 1906) But when it comes to new technologies it is easy 'at first glance, that there seems to be no patterns in the changes…In some cases the new technologies swept through quickly; in others the transition took decades. In some, the new technologies were complex and expensive to develop. In others… technologies were simple extensions of what the leading companies already did better than anyone else.' (Christensen 1997) What Winston has for the most part provided us, is a more 'crucial overview of how communication technologies develop' (Winston 1998 p11) within the social sphere, to that which 'Modeling for change' 'offers an understanding...
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...بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Computer Science Made by: Ahad Mohammad Aljebreen Directed by: Dr. Maram Computer science Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems. Its fields can be divided into a variety of theoretical and practical disciplines. Some fields, such as computational complexity theory (which explores the fundamental properties of computational and intractable problems), are highly abstract, while fields such as computer graphics emphasize real-world visual applications. Still other fields focus on challenges in implementing computation. For example, programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation, while the study of computer programming itself investigates various aspects of the use of programming language and complex systems. Human–computer interaction considers the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans. History The earliest foundations...
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