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Which Leadership Style Is Best?


Submitted By cookcx
Words 395
Pages 2
Carlynn Cook
Professor James
29 March 2016

Upon reviewing the article, Rakesh Gangwel’s leadership style has an authoritarian base with a democratic edge, to where he is open to suggestions and changes. While in the position at U.S. Airways, Rakesh was not shy from getting involved in every aspect of the airline company from editing the flight attendant scripts to adjustments, in-flight safety, to the duties of the maintenance supervisors. Rakesh also welcomed ideas from all levels from employees and managers. Even when there was demand from all managers to develop and implement their own ideas. If Rakesh changed his management style to where he incorporated a servant leader aspect the airline’s employee turnover rate would decrease to a minimum, currently employees would continue work with exemplary effort as their needs would be met (according to Maslow’s hierarchy). The company would continue to grow, prosper and lead the way in the airline ranks. The basis of this confirmation is due to many documented cases where managers and or leaders who have a leadership style split between either authoritarian and servant or democratic and servant have seen the best results from not only their employees, but from customers and ultimately company stock and revenue. In many ways a bankruptcy is a wakeup call to any company, as it can bring to light many pitfalls within that weren’t addressed, notice or even ignored before the bankruptcy took effect. With bankruptcies comes a clean slate, many changes occur upon restructuring, for example; changes in management, leadership styles to employee morale as well as overall company image. This usually brings a downsize in management and an expand upon the duties, a do more with less perspective. When it comes managing the airline the new focus of the company would be cost cutting yet

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