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Which Woman's Nature Is Capable Analysis

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Living in the era before the19th century was a different time for people than now. People were still discovering what method was better to feed infants and made different bottles to see if the feedings would work. Bottles at the time were still being invented and was not the method of choice until the nineteenth century. However, breastfeeding was still the chosen choice for feeding and then it was frowned upon if one didn’t breast feed. In “The Highest Pleasure of Which Woman’s Nature Is Capable”: Breast-Feeding and the Sentimental Maternal Ideal in America, 1750-1860” written by Doyle stated that authors in the mid-eighteenth century indicated that breast feeding was a sign of “good mothering” and if a mother refused to nurse then she …show more content…
During that time breast milk was highly sought out and was even advertised in the newspaper by Wet Nurses that go in and breast feed one’s child. Doyle quotes from one of those newspapers advertisements stating, “A Certain Person wants a Wet Nurse into the House, to Suckle a Child” or “A young Women with a new breast of milk, wants a place in a genteel family, as Wet Nurse” (960). Today, can one really imagine bringing a Wet Nurse in their home that one doesn’t know to feed a newly arrived infant. People today are worked up over seeing a breast, when during that time, mothers either had no choice to breast feed because of the infant mortality rate or one hired a Wet Nurse because they were wealthy enough to do so. Another comparison is Doyle quoting a midwife, Mary Watkins, that published a paper in 1809 stating, “…that any mother who neglected to breast-feed was being deprived of a very high source of pleasure, of the most tender and endearing king” (958). Breastfeeding then was a joy for mothers because they knew that God had gave them the best gift women could offer. Not only to give life, but also feeding it and giving that …show more content…
However, I do believe people should look at how society is evolving in the area they are at. If more people acknowledge the fact that people are different in every aspect they would be accepting. With more pedophiles, rapist and young teenage boys that are not educated properly. Even the Teachers that spend all day with our kids and taking advantage of them. Those peoples are amongst those that are breastfeeding. Some would say that it could be the starting point of mothers having to tell someone to look away that they themselves are starting to feel uncomfortable because there are people watching. Those people, the perverted-sick-demented ones are basically getting a free for all. I don’t believe a mother knowing in front of a group of men that are known to sexual assault and harm others would want to feed their baby in front of them. Today, people have to protect their loved ones more closely. Today, instead of frowning on people that want to make sure their newly infant is taking care of to the highest standard known to man we should educate kids more on how healthy breast milk is and that breast is more than just for pleasure, so we could evolve back to where we first began in the eighteenth century and other cultures that practice breastfeeding

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