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Who Is To Blame In Othello's Jealousy

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“O, beware, my lord, or jealousy!” In Othello Iago is Othello’s ancient. He is a Cold-hearted and bitter man. Othello takes place at first in Venice, Italy and as the play goes on they go to the island of Cyprus. In the painting Othello by Jules Margolis there are two faces, Iago is one of them he is whispering in Othello’s ear false things, trying to get inside his head. The painting Othello: My Warrior by Nabil Kanso, Shows all the chaos Iago has created and Othello along with Desdemona are in the middle of all the chaos. Iago is the person to blame for all the chaos because he wants to get revenge, he is jealous, and he is an evil man. Othello by Margolis Iago is feeding lies to Othello to get revenge. “For that I suspect the lusty moor,

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