...Is college worth the money? Does one need college to be successful in life? With changing in the world and increasing student loan debts many people believe college is too expensive. A Lot of people think that they need college to make it in life.Which that can be true and false. It all depends on the person. A why is needed when you have a why, that the push that's what can be the break throw. Over the time many people have been told no there whole life. For a person like that, they have a why becomes they never had anything. So that one time they get an opportunity they take full advantage. That's the push that a person without a college education to make it in life. There are a lot of great people that did great people that did a great...
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...number of studies, I understand that college is completely worth every struggle it will put on you. From the general things you may hear your parents or teachers say, it can seem like it’s just a part of school or life, but once the time is near that you actually have to think about it, the idea of it may change. All it seems like is another couple of years of school that were harder than the last and will just earn you more money over a long period of time. Well, the facts are way more spectacular than they seem putting it that way. Going to college really will help you out in the long run, and it will help a lot. It can give you easy access to more jobs, give you experiences with different types of people...
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...College Is Worth the Cost Parents always want their kids into college. Parents want their kids in college, their reason could be they did not go to college, and they want better for their children. Parents always want their kids to have a better life than they did, they want bigger and better things for them. So, college is worth the cost, because it's a parents dream for their kids to be in college, so they can be successful in life. Therefore, college is worth the cost, because people that attend college usually acquire money in the end. The people that attend college obtain higher paying jobs. “The average debt now is about thirty thousand dollars for kids” (Anthony). Those with a bachelor’s degree or higher have higher earnings than...
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...Has everyone thought about a certain college they see themself’s going to in a couple of years Has everyone thought about how they can get into this college? Is College worth it? Cost, tuition, acceptance, or moving away from home. These are some of the many reasons why people question attending college. The main reasons why college is worth it is college doesn't have to be expensive, there are easy ways to get into college, and college opens doors. One reason why college can be worth it is because it doesn't have to be too expensive. People argue that colleges can be highly expensive and have a long term affect financially on years to come. While that may be true there is numerous ways for an average student to bypass tuition and fees.(Source C). “ People argue that colleges can be highly expensive and have a long term affect financially on years to come”. (Source B) “But most families pay far less than a school’s sticker price. At many schools, generous need-based-aid awards often reduce the school’s net price by 50% or more of the published price for families who qualify”. These are some of many grants and tuition fees that can be available to students who are...
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...high school teens are wrapping up. It’s time to prepare for the next big step in life. College the first time to get a true taste of want the world has to offer. The big thing that most young minds don’t see in there picture perfect world is that thin underlining. That underlining is the cost of college and how it waits until you finish to hit you where it hurts. I’m talking about your wallet and even your college savings. This leads me to the question of why is college tuition so high. Is attending college worth the price tag of tuition? If you didn’t already know then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but spoiler alert you have to pay for college a year after you finish college. The price of college has gone from affordable to sky-high in the last decade and even more so this year. (“If you want to get an earful about paying for college, listen to parents from states where tuition and fees have skyrocketed in the last five years. In Arizona, for example, parents have seen a 77 percent increase in costs. In Georgia, its 75 percent, and in Washington state, 70 percent. Even in Oklahoma, where tuition increases have been among the lowest in the nation, parents are dismayed. In Stillwater, Okla., Jeffery Corbett's daughter is attending community college. Corbett, a fundraiser for a nonprofit, says a high school diploma just won't get you very far. And he knows; he doesn't have a college degree. "I think about it all the time, because I realize [how] it has limited me, by...
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...like colleges being worth it. With today’s job market and the cost to go to college, you might think it is not. A lot people in our society view higher education as an investment that will payoff in the long run but many others would tell you that you are just wasting time and money. The reason why colleges and university are worth the four plus years and the high cost of tuition is because of the amount of money you can make afterwards. An article written by Catherine Rampell can help you see the advantages of receiving a degree from an institution. She showed that of the American earning more then $150,000, 82 percent of them carried a bachelor’s degree. Only 6.5 percent of those Americans who earned at least $150,000 did not receive a high school diploma and around 7 percent did have a diploma. This illustrates the need for more people to go to college to receive a degree because it will get them a job that will increase their income by 20 to 30 thousand dollars. In the long run, this can affect your standard of living. With that extra cash you would be making, you can pay off your college debt which a lot of people are saying is out of control and one of the reasons college is not worth it. The bigger picture is that you can payoff the college debt in the first five years and then use that money to pay for a new car or a bigger house. This is the reason why the standards of living will increase. On the other hand, college may be not worth it....
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...Is it college worth it? Yes, college is worth it because workers without a college degree had a less chance of doing want they want to do or what they love to do. Workers with a college degree have a higher chance at doing what they want to do or what they love to do, and with a college degree you will make more money then without a college degree. Pewresearch.org says, “47% of Americans say college is to teach work related skills and 30% say it is to help a student grow personally and intelligently.” College may be a lot of money, but it is worth getting a good job. Most Americans that don’t have a college degree are either doing a job they don’t like, or they’re on the streets. Most people worry about the cost of a lot of colleges....
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...assessment Do you think college is a privilege or a necessity? Well today in our society college is not an option anymore more like a necessity. “College may be worth it to some people, but the majority of the people that haven't even stepped foot into a college are doing better that the people that have gone to college for a masters degree.” stated in the article(Is college worth it?) by . Just because your parents and family expect you to go to college and get a degree doesn't really mean you have to, unless you think it's the right thing to do. Parents Know a days expect their child or student to go to college, So it is more like pressured/forced then actually expecting or wanting to do it. Going to college and getting a degree does not necessarily guarantee that an individual is gonna get a good hard working job afterwards. But it's all up to the person and what they want to achieve in life. Personally college is something i might look forward to in life but just seem like i can do my dream job without so i'm not too worried. There are valid arguments for both sides....
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...Is College Education Worth It? Through the years of highschool, the idea of going to college is assumed in the students. Whether a student is or is not going to college teachers and counselors treat them as if they are. To many students, college education is useless and to that i say they are wrong in thinking so. There are many reasons as to why going to college is worth it. In today's age more and more jobs are requiring their employees to have some sort of college education. Between Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2010, jobs requiring college education grew by almost 187,000. (Jobs Require College Degrees). It shows that just graduating from high school is not enough for some jobs and a college education is in fact worth it. College graduates...
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...Many Americans are now realizing how college degrees affect their lives in today's economy. The job market is more fierce now than it ever was years ago. Jobs are hard to come by, and many people are finally noticing what the value of their college education really was. Many students are struggling financially to stay in college, and many do not know what the result of their education will be. Though many people think a college education is worthless now, there are two sides to the argument. The Christian Science Monitor Editorial Board, Davis Leonhardt, John Stossel, and Marty Nemko all wrote articles based on what they feel a current college education is worth. Though they all agree that college is a major issue at the moment, their opinions are different from each other. The Monitor Editorial Board believes that the United States needs college graduates and encourages people to attend college. David Leonhardt points out that college isn't very expensive and that having a degree is better than nothing. John Stossel believes that college is a scam and that you don't have to be a college graduate to be successful in life. Finally, Marty Nemko points out some flaws in the college system that students may face. All of these articles are tied together and have arguments on both sides of the issue on whether college is a scam and if a degree is worth anything. Many people and colleges tell students that people with a college education make more money than just a high...
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...Professor Rowe ENGL-1302-15 10 December 2012 Is college a good idea for some exceptional students? College education is a life experience that provides students with knowledge and skills to face challenges ahead in life. It is an extremely important form of education though it may seem as though college is not worth the stress and difficulty because several college dropouts such as Joel Osteen, LeBron James, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were successful in their endeavors to achieve their goals. In the article Is College worth it?, Robert Hoggard states: College prepares students for determination and responsibility although one can never truly understand the definition of determination without finishing college because studying and finishing assignments on time takes innate will power that many people who opt-out of college do not possess (Hoggard). His views on college are extremely appropriate as by attending college, students learn to develop their will power to help them focus on their perspectives and goals. Emily Wamstker shares her views on college in her article, College Is Very Much Worth It, by saying, “The data make clear that getting a college education is still a good idea -- college graduates earn more, and are more likely to have a job in the first place -- and is especially important for some Americans” (Wamstker). By attending college, students can be confident of acquiring a job. Many college dropouts struggle making low wages because they...
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...Is College Worth it? Are you planning on going to college? If not, here are the reasons why you should be planning on going to college. You will more than likely have a higher payroll. There will be more job opportunities available. Also, you will have better benefits. Is college really worth it? Yes, college is definitely worth it in the future. Having a college background proves a lot to employers and new jobs you want. Having some kind of background shows people you're willing to work. Going to college will more than likely have a higher payroll. In 2016, the average income for people 25 years old and older with a high school diploma was $35,615, while the income for those with a bachelor’s degree was $65,482, and $92,525 for those with advanced degrees (College Education). For example, doctors go to college for many years, it's worth it in the end because of the high payroll. Doctors make on average $165,000 a year....
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...they can enroll on. A college education guarantees the advantages of opportunities in any direction in life where way they want to go ahead. College is an institution where students choose in which major they wanted to enroll on based on their interest to learn a skill and even responsibilities. Those skills and responsibilities that college students get can land on tomorrow’s good jobs with great benefits. After years of completing college, students are proud of their hard work and memories they have in college that will improve them in the future. A college education improves the quality of life...
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...Why go to college? Is it really worth it? These are questions that many Millennials are trying to find the answer to. There are so many different paths to take, but why college? Well, we can start off by saying that college has many benefits. Some of these being higher salaries, lower unemployment rates, and overall just having the opportunity to pursue higher education and gain the skills needed to follow your ambitions to the best of your ability. These reasons answer those burning questions and provide the answer that college is most definitely worth it. For one thing, graduating from college comes with higher salaries and lifetime earnings. A study by Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce came to the result that people with...
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...Over the last few years, there has been a debate as to whether a college education is worth it. With the sky rocketing debt in student loans, the employment rates, and the time dedicated some people believe that it is not worth the time nor the money. Many people have many different views on college education. From recent studies and statistics, the employment rate is higher for a college graduate, depending on the degree, than a person who has little to no college credits. Also, the money a college graduate makes is high than that of a high school graduate. While the time dedicated may be too much for some individuals, in the end it all pays off not only because of the hard work but also because of the experience. Obtaining a college degree is worth it because of the employment rates, cost of expenses, time dedicated, and experience. There are different types of degree; Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate. An associate’s degree is a degree that is common at junior or community colleges and trade and professional school. The requirements to complete an associate’s degree is about 60 hours of course work, which...
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