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Why Do Athletes Use Steroids?

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Performance enhancing drugs have been a serious issue dating back to the 1960s. Athletes train hard everyday so they can succeed in the sport they are competing in, but there is always that one person that is going to try to gain an edge on the competition. The illegal use of these so called “ Steroids” happens more than people think. Athletes should forfeit their medals if caught using performance enhancing drugs Most common people wouldn't know what the word steroids means. But the true meaning of this commonly used drug is quit simple. By definition, athletes who use performance enhancing drugs are cheating and do not deserve the awards given. The drugs are human growth hormones (HGH) and help the person using them get bigger, faster, and stronger giving them an unfair competitive advantage over athletes playing by the rules. These athletes use steroids “To excel in athletic competition is admirable. Most high school, college, amateur and professional athletes participate in sports for the opportunity to pit their abilities against those of their peers, and to experience the …show more content…
Athletes who don't use the drugs are working harder than their opponent and it takes longer for them to create muscle mass unlike the athlete using the drug does not have to work as hard so they are not as as sore and beat up as their opponent and make muscle mass faster. Its simple the person using the drugs get bigger faster “ As most of us can already guess, the average person using steroids will generally get much better results in terms of building muscle and improving performance than someone who is natural and not using anything”(A Workout routine 6). The amount of triang and time the athletes put in compared to the athletes that use the drugs is unreal they don't need to spend as much time training because they are cheating and use a drug that makes you build muscle

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