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Why Do Juveniles Deserve To Be Tried As Adults

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Dear President Joe Biden, We all know the difficult decision on whether the juveniles deserve to be tried as adults, as far as accountability goes for juvenile justice, their wrongdoings should be evaluated and understood before a final decision is made to ensure that the right people are getting the help they need and deserve. As they are only teens who have yet to understand the real world and how it works, I believe that we need to understand the events leading to the crimes to truly get the whole picture of what, when, where, and why this minor committed such acts. We have failed many teens already with the system that's in place, for example: Kalief Browder, The Central Park Five. The one thing all these teens have in common is that we failed them and they had to find ways to grow up in cells instead of neighborhoods, schools, places that can provide structure to teens navigating the world, not in prison cells with grown adults who committed crimes. …show more content…
Kalief Browder was just sentenced to 3 years over a charge of theft and not liable proof he had to do time for something he didn't do, all because we couldn’t dive deeper into the case and figure out what truly happened and find any real truth of whether or not he did or didn't steal the backpack he was accused of taking. What I want to bring to your attention is that our juvenile system needs to be evaluated and reconstructed to better counteract the ever growing misrepresentation of sentencing and adding to the failure of many teens and families in the system. They deserve to be seen and heard, which is why I am bringing this to your attention, President Biden. We need you to be the voice for those of us who don’t have one that can be heard over the stereotypes of our

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