Premium Essay

Why Do People Litter?


Submitted By emyr
Words 1542
Pages 7
Why do people litter? There are many reasons given as to why this might be. They have all sorts of excuses for littering. They can’t be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin and have no sense of pride in their community. And the worst reason they came out with this statement everybody does it! How many of these reasons or excuses have you heard? Litter is everyone’s problem, and there is never an excuse!
According to Longman Dictionary, the word detrimental is causing harm or damage and littering can be defined as the waste of paper, cans, bottles, garbage and even chemicals so as to people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place. The broadly accepted description of litter is ‘waste in the wrong place caused by human agency’.
So who does the littering? Ignorant, lazy, immature, cowards are the list of people who do it in my opinion. Based to a litter statistics I have read in the net stated that most of littering occurs in transport sites, smoking areas and market sites. Chewing gum is a very constant form of litter as it sticks to the footpaths and roads and is very hard, and expensive, to remove it. And the most shocking statement is that men are tend to litter more than women and women usually use bins more than men. Even, our school children are more likely to be the culprit of littering than other people.
In my point of view littering is becoming a habit among Malaysian. It has flattering an eye sore to the community and society. Far too often when we are walking through the streets whether in the housing area or even in the big city, we are facing with a scene that is, a shocking and disgraceful, which could be so easily avoided. It is amazing that many people identify litter as a major environmental problem, and yet people still litter. An example happened in my housing area every Wednesday; there is a big and crowded night market along

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