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Why Do Pitbulls Become Aggressive

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How do pitbulls become aggressive or are they born that way?
They are not born that way, they are trained that way. These dogs are indeed remarkably affectionate, and crave human attention. They are wonderful cuddlers and nothing beats a belly rub. “Like any other breed, Pit Bulls can develop behavior problems if mishandled, abused, poorly bred, unsocialized, etc.” In fact, most Pit Bulls think they are lap dogs! “We’ve always had that mentality it’s all about how you raise your dogs, no matter what breed they are, and we train them to be good.” Because by nature they love people and love attention. But the breed is a muscular breed and used for fighting or hog hunting. So most people that fight pitbulls want meaner pitbulls and therefore breed them and just has a bad gene in it's genetics. ”Laura Mioton of Hancock County has been raising pit bulls to show for more than 20 years. None of her pit bulls has ever attacked a human, she said. She credits this to responsible pet ownership.” …show more content…
There has been many accidents were pitbulls are always attacking small children or infants, but what most reports don't know is why they attack. They always make it seem like pitbulls are aggressive by nature, but when the accident happens you don't know what the child did to trigger the dog to attack. “Jaxon Ronsonet, 15, saved his 5-year-old brother’s life when a neighbor’s pit bull attacked the young

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