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Step Dad Research Paper

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The general definition of family usually involves DNA. This is reiterated when you look at the Monarchal system across various nations at various times, including the most notable ones such as England, France, and Spain. For those who need some refreshing, in the Monarchal system a king or queen passes his or her thrown down to their first born, and this cycle continues. Even today royal families still exist and maintain a higher status than the average person simply because they were born into the right family. However, I think that there is a lot more meaning to the word family. Few people mention the most important part of family, which is love. While there are many others who acknowledge this emotional aspect of family, most people still …show more content…
That is one of the few times I have ever actually used the term step dad. For all intents and purposes he is my "real dad", if you will. My biological father passed away awhile ago unfortunately. While there will always be this curiosity to know how he was, or would have been, and this odd emotional attachment, I will also always have my step dad that filled his role amazingly. He befriended my mom was I was roughly two or three years old, and has not left since. My earliest memories are with him and my mom doing all sorts of fun things you would expect out of a typical American family. For instance, he taught me how to play Americas past time sport, baseball. He used to throw the ball up as high as he could, I would pretend I was like the outfielders on T.V and run after and dive for it. Most of the time I did not need to dive, but it felt cool. I would be amazed at how high the ball would go, especially when I could not even throw over a two story roof. Sometimes the ball would get lost in the sun, then I would quickly find it bouncing off of my face. In these moments he was always there to comfort me, usually with a frozen bag of peas. These moments helped me gain confidence which leads to gaining personal success. I likely would have never tried several sports if I was not taught the fundamentals, but more importantly if I did not have the comfort of knowing that he would always be there for me regardless of how I preform. How great he was, and is ,deserves its own essay, along with my mom as well. Despite the lack of blood relation, he is as much of a dad as anyone could hope for. In a sense, he earned my love towards him. We both did things that contributed to the great relationship we have today.This relationship is what I l value and how I view other family

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