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Why Do Slaves Up North Were Free?

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The purpose of this book is to show that how they claimed that slaves up North were free, they could easily take their freedom away and there was nothing anybody could do about. The book shows an accurate representation of the common slave experience in the United States in the South before Civil War. In “12 Years a Slave” the story takes off Solomon Northup explaining what his life was like being a free man in Minerva, New York This story takes place in 1808. His father was named Mintus, who was enslaved to the Northup family in Rhode Island. He was then freed after the Northups’ made a move to New York. While growing up Solomon helped his father with chores such as farming and worked as a raftsman on the waterways of New York. Solomon was …show more content…
After Solomon explains all the good things he has/had in his life, he goes on to tell how his freedom and everything he love had be taken away. In 1841, two men “generously” offered Northup money to join their musical show on the road. Soon after, he goes on tell that after he accepted the men’s offer, they drugged them and sold him into slavery to pay off their debt. After years of being kidnap, beat and moved from plantation to plantation for his smart remarks, “Platt” finally came across a man willing to help. His name was Bass, and he was an abolitionist from Canada who is hired to work on a building project for Epps. He agrees to send letters to notify Northup's family and friends of his whereabouts, what he had been through and to come rescue him. Henry B. Northup, a white man who was a relative of Solomon’s father slave owner, comes to Louisiana to claim Northup. After he was freed, Northup filed for kidnapping charges against the men who had kidnapped him. However, the lengthy trial that followed was dropped because back then, free or not, whites still viewed blacks as property. Solomon didn’t receive any

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