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Why Do We Swear?

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122040-5 Proseminar Linguistics 1
WS 2014/15
Clayson-Knollmary Beate

Taboo terms

Why do we swear? A look at swearing and the process of tabooing

Melanie Bernhard
Matrikelnummer: a1227123
Lehramt 190 313 344

November 2014
Table of contents

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 1

2. Why do we swear: reasons and effects of swearing ……..………………………...… 1

3. Offending or useful: why some taboo words are considered more offensive than others …………………………………………………………….…..............………… 3

4. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………... 6

5. References ……………………………………………………………………………… 7

1. Introduction

Swearing is a part of everyday life and has a common place in the English language. The question may arise as to why expletives are used when they are oftentimes considered taboo; hence, what exactly does swearing offer to its user? A second question that may follow is why some swearwords are more likely to be considered offensive and taboo than others. By referring to taboo terms, …show more content…
Why we swear: reasons and effects of swearing

Swearing is part of daily life and it is used not only to show aggressive feelings towards others, but also as Hoeksema and Napoli (2009: 612) state, “flavors our speech.” However, this is not the whole story. Jay (2009: 154), for example, considers swearing as a method to communicate certain emotions in a more effective way than by simply using non-taboo words. The author proceeds on the assumption that no human being is born with the ability or knowledge of swearing but that one learns about taboos through social communication, thus, inheriting a system of swearing and etiquette (2009: 154). In other words, children seem to learn a culture-based system of expletives and their special socially given connotation through a transfer from other members of a linguistic community. Moreover, this process is said to take place at the start of language learning (Fägersten 2012:

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