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The Importance Of Trust In Social Work

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Additionally, addressing the issues with conflicting interest is the logical approach as stated, “It is the social worker’s obligation to understand the client, despite differences in beliefs, values, or choices, and to empower them to make the best decisions for themselves… In many cases, prejudicial beliefs are so ingrained that they are subconscious (Nicotera and Kang, 2009), and bringing them to consciousness is necessary to make objective decisions in practice” (Wahler 1058). Speaking in terms of others, the community feeds mentality and influences perspective as stated, “However, for the vast majority of the participants, social workers were perceived very negatively in their communities. Although at times helpful, they could also make …show more content…
On the one hand, its practitioners are committed to the principles of providing assistance to the disadvantaged. On the other hand, the community has an image of social workers as people who make life difficult for poor people—an image confirmed by the contacts and type of experiences the study participants reported having had with social workers (Daniel 906).
The sole purpose might be to serve the people yet when there is a lack of trust that can only derail the process. Sadly, several aspects play into this distrust from an understaffed department to a lack of funding, which for the most part are factors that are beyond control.
Furthermore, on education, as stated in Fundamental Contradictions in Cultural …show more content…
This in reference to the upbringing and the background of a prominent social work student and how subconscious factors can influence their work. Another feature to ponder is client and social worker relationship as stated, “Consciousness of one’s beliefs is the first step in changing values, beliefs, and subsequent behaviors, and reflection is particularly important when examining beliefs about human nature, diversity, and behavior (Osmo, 2001; Comerford, 2003) to avoid discriminatory beliefs from affecting social workers’ interventions with clients” (Wahler

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