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Power Of Voice: Effects Of Tone On Elementary Students

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The Power of Voice: Effects of Tone on Elementary Students
We have all had a teacher or parent say, “don’t use that kind of tone with me!”, and we normally would respond in one of two ways. It was either you: A) rolled your eyes and thought “whatever”, or B) respond with “what tone? I don’t have a tone”. Just as a child may not care or be aware of their specific tone of voice, adults and teachers can also sometimes not care or be aware of the way they are speaking to their students. There must be a balance between being firm, but not hostile. This report includes the data from research and a semester long study of the effects on tone of voice on achievement in elementary grade students.
For the purpose of this paper, I am using the definition …show more content…
“Nonverbal cues might be powerful enough to direct the politeness with which positive and negative messages are perceived in the direction of the nonverbal message.” This is essentially saying that a person’s tone can sometimes have more impact on how a student perceives information than the words being spoken. A teacher may be completely unaware that they are using a negative tone. They may have the right idea when it comes to the message of the words they are speaking, but their tone may completely negate the intended purpose of their …show more content…
Quigley discusses the importance in have a strong teaching persona, or more specifically, a firm, authoritative voice. In a psychological phenomena called thin-slicing, “students can judge their teacher, with great accuracy, in less than 30 seconds”. Children, in a manner similar to animals, have the ability to detect subtle hints in a person’s tone of voice that help them to judge the authority and confidence level of an adult. Based on this judgement, a student could write off a light-toned stuttering teacher as nervous and an easy push over. On the other hand, students will quickly get the picture that an adult is in charge if they hear clear, confident, and determined questions and commands. This is where it is so important to be able to balance between appropriately firm, but not overly harsh. A main mistake I have observed is teachers trying to “win” students over by being too friendly and lientent hoping that the students will like them enough to just listen in the end. This rarely ever works. It is best to keep s strong tone of authority first to establish position in the

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