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Day Flies Research Paper

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Today, plants are grown worldwide regardless of their origin and the following is a list of 10 widely-grown plants, exotic to Britain. The Japanese Dogwood, Chilies, Daylilies, the Cedar and
Monkey trees, Sunflowers, Rhododendrons, Magnolias, Bleeding Hearts and the Olive tree.
1. The Japanese Dogwood, which is also referred to as the Korean Dogwood, is a moderately smaller deciduous tree, belonging to the Cornaceae family. Common names associated with the
Japanese Dogwood are Kousa, Kousa Dogwood as well as Chinese Dogwood. The Japanese
Dogwood is native to East Asia making its origin climate tropical, humid subtropical, humid continental and highland. Initially found in regions of Korea, China and Japan this commonly grown ornamental landscape tree and/or bush offers a …show more content…
The origin of Chilies carries a timeline that dates back to 7000 BC. Native to Mexico, Chilies were farmed and used much as they are today; to enhance food flavors. Research indicates that chilies were introduced to the rest of the world, which includes their arrival to European countries in
1493. Chilies have since been cultivated universally, making Chilies a worldwide spice for many a meal throughout the world.
3. Daylilies are perennial plants named it is said, from their flowers who characteristically last for no more than a day. Daylilies, whose scientific name is Hemerocallis, are native to Asia and primarily
Eastern Asia. This species is now prevalent globally due in large part to its magnificent and impressive flowers. It is estimated that there are over 80,000 plant varieties that have been generated in cultivation.
4. The Cedar is a coniferous tree associated to the Pinaceae plant family. The Cedar is native to
Lebanon as well as parts of the Mediterranean and the mountains of the Western Himalayas and
Asia. Regularly located in Britain, the Cedar was introduced in 1638. Since then, Cedars have been well cultivated, remaining a favourite addition to majestic and grand

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