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Grace Jones Research Paper

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Famous Actress Sexually Harassed During Casting for Film
Celebrities are commonly known and praised all around the world; some just not for the right reason. There are celebrities who are famous for a good reason and others, not so much. A beautiful Jamaican model named Grace Jones symbolic internationally. Often, the dreadful things tend to find themselves in between the good of the world, though to the people it tends to gravitate to, they decide to stay reticent abut it. Grace Jones has first hand experience with an awful experience, though she decided not to stay restrained and allowed everyone to hear what she had to go through.
The article written about Grace Jones’ experience was written by CNN News. The article mainly focused on what Grace Jones had to say, since she came out and admitted what had happened. The name of the director who has sexually harassed Jones was omitted, for unstated reasons. The director has not yet revealed himself and it is still wondered internationally who committed such a petty harassment. Jones mainly focused on the events that occurred during her traumatizing, stating that being able to act in a rude demeanor is …show more content…
The first being adding more information and more about the interview with Grace Jones, since the article that has been written about her was adequately short. CNN should have added more information, to captivate more of the readers attention so that they too, are aware of the struggles not only Grace Jones went through, but what the rest of the women in the same field and women in general are going through. The second thing that was missing in this article was the point of view from the director himself; viewing his aspect about the whole ordeal that he has come to cause. He should not be neglected, but should be looked upon as a set negative example so people can recognize him and will not repeat what he has

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