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Why I Creeped Out Of Murky Water

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Have you ever had a big fear of something. One of my greatest fears is swimming in something I can't see the bottom of. When I go swimming in a lake I usually don't go very deep cause who knows what’s lurking around down there. I love to swim, but only in pools. I think one of the reasons I'm creeped out by is because I’ve to many watched creepy movies.
I've been creeped out by this for a few years. Ever since I started thinking about lives in a lake, I've been creeped out because what if a huge gar bites my leg and pulls me under. Another reason I’m creeped out about murky water is I hate when you go to deep and all the water around you gets really cold and it gets really dark. Also when I was little we went tubing down a river and I got

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