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Parallel Play Research Paper

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- Solitary or independent play - this is when a child plays alone, with little to no reference to what other children (or adults) are doing. It is an important stage as it is more difficult to bond with others if you aren’t comfortable by yourself. Encouraging this behavior from a young stage (but not just giving something electronic to occupy a child) will definitely serve the developing child well throughout their life. This stage is often described by parents as their child “playing quietly in the corner,” but it can actually be as active or as quiet as a child’s temperament or the circumstances they are in dictate. Many one year olds begin to play independently and actively as a choice once they are able to run around outside. Other children will be happy to be reading a book quietly.
- Parallel play - though they may use the same toys, a child plays beside, rather than with, other children. We should remember that learning to play is learning how to relate to others. In that sense, parallel play is that final stage before a child connects with others. Toys that can be shared easily are ideal, as this period is often fraught with toddlers getting upset over toys being “mine and not theirs.” Ideal toys at this …show more content…
Much of this play stage is inactive, but it’s still significant in development as a first step in learning how to play, for example seeing other children play in a sandpit or watching their siblings play at home. They may talk to their parent or older siblings about what they are watching but not engage in it as they develop their interest. The ability to play with other children is crucial to getting along once at school and beyond. It is not limited to watching other children as they may first watch their parents doing things in the home before going onto imitating them. By doing this a child is learning about their

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